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September 4, 1830CFA
...My Catalogue wanted so much of being finished that I concluded to remain...
September 5, 1830CFA
...The morning was clear and pleasant. My mother, wife and I attended divine...
September 6, 1830CFA
...As our things were so numerous as not to be easily manageable in one day’s...
September 7, 1830CFA
...The morning opened dark and cloudy. So much so that I felt myself obliged...
September 8, 1830CFA
...The rain poured all day and precluded the possibility of our moving an...
September 9, 1830CFA
...It seemed as if Rain was the order of the day for we found no cessation of...
September 10, 1830CFA
...Morning still cloudy and threatening. Mr. Frothingham accompanied me to...
September 11, 1830CFA
...Morning pleasant. Mr. Frothingham rode to town with me to remain over...
September 12, 1830CFA
...I have resumed the practice of taking Shower baths since coming to Medford...
September 13, 1830CFA
...Morning cloudy but with a cold East Wind, which was extremely...