Season 2, Episode 1: Daniel Webster's New England, Daniel Webster's Union

In this episode, we examine the career of Daniel Webster, a 19th century political figure and nationalist from New England. We look at objects that give a glimpse into the rural and political life of this legendary individual. We shall also learn about Webster’s connection to the MHS, his understanding of the term “Union,” and consider why some view him as a controversial figure.

Episode transcript

View the items we discuss in this episode:

A portrait of Daniel Webster

Hat worn by Daniel Webster

Staff belonging to Daniel Webster

Episode Special Guest:

Michael Larmann is a PhD student in the History Department at the University of Montana and a 2022-2023 Benjamin F. Stevens Fellow at the MHS.

This episode uses materials from:

Big Feelings by Podington Bear (Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International)
Psychic by Dominic Giam of Ketsa Music (licensed under a commercial non-exclusive license by the Massachusetts Historical Society through
Curious Nature by Dominic Giam of Ketsa Music (licensed under a commercial non-exclusive license by the Massachusetts Historical Society through

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