
Underrepresented Voices of the American Revolution - Teacher Workshop


K-12 educators are invited to participate in a day-long workshop led by keynote scholar Prof. Chernoh Sesay, master teachers, and MHS education staff. In the morning, scholars and K-12 educators will gather for an informal discussion that bridges themes that emerged during the conference and the content of the teacher workshop that to follow. Leveraging the expertise of both scholars and teachers, we will identify important takeaways from the conference, reflect on the accessibility of current scholarship for the K-12 classroom, and discuss best practices for introducing the major themes of the conference to our students. Patrick O'Brien (Kennesaw State University), a scholar and former K-12 teacher, will facilitate this important discussion. Breakfast will be served. The sessions to follow include: (1) a presentation of key primary sources by Prof. Sesay; (2) a presentation by master teachers from Grade 5 and high school of instructional materials they have developed centered on primary sources from MHS collections; and (3) opportunities for participants to develop their own materials in collaboration with fellow educators and scholars.

Participation in this workshop is limited to K-12 educators, and we encourage participants to attend the first two days of the conference in preparation for the workshop.

Learn more and register here.

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