
Difficult Subjects: How to Handle Them?


Benjamin Anastas, Bennington College
Linda Hirshman, Independent Scholar
Alec Nevala-Lee, Biographer
Moderator: Megan Marshall, Emerson College

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What’s a biographer to do when a subject goes rogue? Turns unlikable or unreliable? Or just plain disappoints an admiring writer? Join three biographers who have taken this journey with their subjects and come out the other side with magnificent biographical works for a discussion of the unexpected dilemmas they faced while writing about 20th-century diarist Claude Fredericks (Anastas), self-made futurist Buckminster Fuller (Nevala-Lee), and abolitionist Maria Weston Chapman (along with William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass, Hirshman).

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The virtual seminar begins at 5:00 PM and will be hosted on the video conference platform, Zoom. Registrants will receive a confirmation message with attendance information.

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