Resolves of the Represent atives of the Province of Newhampshire[New Hampshire] , vid Votes.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Worcester,
against Tories, & Tory News Papers , &c. 681.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Repre- sentatives of the Province of New York, on the Grievances
of America. 703.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Repre- sentatives of the Colony of Rhode Island, respecting the
Boston Port Bill, &c, to appoint a
Continental Congress, &c, 517. See
page 53, Column 2d, under Resolves of the Representa. of Colony of Rhode Island.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Continent al Congress, respecting the Prov. of Massachusetts Bay. 583.
- - - [Resolves ] respecting the counter- manding orders for Goods, &c. 588.
- - - [Resolves ] respecting the Massa. Bay; about the removal of the inhabitants of
Boston in the Country, &c, &c, &c. 598.
- - - [Resolves ] respecting Non import- ation , non exportation, non Consumption &c, &c, &c. 606.
- - - [Resolves ] to stop importation to sundry Places.
- - - [Resolves ] respecting the restrain- ing Acts, &c. 770.
- - - [Resolves ] to recommend a regu- lation of the Militia. 779.
See Up.
Resolves of the Contin- ental Congress, against the exportation of any Merchandize to
the Isle of Man, or any other part of the British
Dominions, &c. 798.
- - - [Resolves ] to Issue Bills of Credit, and how to
call them in. 837.
- - - [Resolves ] that a just, and well Authenticated
Account of the hostilities committed by the Bri- tish Troops, be exhibited, &c. 839.
- - - [Resolves ] to support the Cur- rency . 882.
- - - [Resolves ] that all Persons who have been mislead
be treated with le- nity : and great power given to Committees. 888.