Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, their answer to the
Governors Speech: tell him their answer is sufficiently plain, and wont explain it. 92.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their
message to the Governor, respecting his refusing to receive
his salary: beg to know how he is paid. 97.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] choose a
Committee to report on the independancy of the Govr. send a message to the Council to consider of it. 101.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] report on
the Govr.inde- pendancy , and resolve that he is not a Govr. agreable to the Charter. &c, &c, 112.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their
Message to the Govr. tell him they are ready to grant him his Salary. 116.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their reply
to the Govr. message, respecting repairing his House: tell him when he
is a legal Govr. they will, &c, 116.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their Answer
to the Govr. Speech, wherein they define their Constitution very exactly:
shew that the Colonies are free States, &c, 229.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] were
unanimous in their Answer. 228.231.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their
Message to the Govr. desire to know why he will not sign the Grants made the
Judges, &c, 235.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their reply
to the Govr. Message on the independancy of the Judges, say that Judge
who has a regard to his Character, will not accept his pay from the
King, &c, &c, 239.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] another to the Govr. on the same. 244.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] their reply
to the Govr. Speech, respecting repairing his House, decline it. 246.
- - - [Representatives of the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts Bay, ] vote the
Judge's Salaries. 223,246.
See up.
Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay,
their reply to the Govr. Speech, in answer to them; they deny the Supreme power
of Parliament, and Justify the Boston Town Meetings,
&c, 250.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their message to the Govr. beg he would lend the Province Arms, &c, 252.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] agree to the measures of the
Representatives of Virginia: choose a committee of
Correspondence, &c, to com- municate with their Sister Colonies, &c, 298.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] vote, that Govr.Hut- chinson[Thoams Hutchinson] 's &c, Letters, tended to introduce
an arbitrary power in the Province, &c, 303.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their reply to the Govr. Speech on his Letters, beg that he would lay before the
House copies of his Letters. Ib.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their Answer to the Govr. Speech, on opening the Sessions. 306.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their Resolves against Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , & Oliver[Andrew Oliver] 's, &c respecting yt. Letters, &c, 309.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] choose a Committee to remonstrate against Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , & O- liver[Andrew Oliver] . Ibid.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] send a Message to the Council, on the
Letters of Govr.Hutchin- son[Thomas Hutchinson] , & Oliver[Andrew Oliver] , &c, 311.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] send a Message to the Council, tell them,
when the Govr. &c, Letters are authenticated, that they will
furnish the Board with the originals. Ib.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their Message to the Governor, in reply
to him, tell him, that they ought in faithfulness to the People, pub- lish his letters, &c; and that they are the only Judges of the
Time they ought to sit, &c, 312.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] they pass a remonstrance, and petition
the King, praying him to remove Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , & Oliver[Andrew Oliver] : their names who voted, pro, &Con. 317.