- - - [Quebec] a terrible bill brought into Parliament, establishing the
Catholic re- ligion , & French Laws there, 533,549, 552,553,554,555,570,579,581,596,610. See Act of
- - - [Quebec] seige, raised by the American Forces, &c, 879,886.
Quincy Josiah, embarks for England on a
public Account. 588.
- - - [Richardson Ebenezer, ] Arrives at Philadelpa. 323.
- - - [Richardson Ebenezer, ] an advertisement to
take him up, tar, and feather him. 386.
- - - [Richardson Ebenezer, ] pursued at Philap. and drove off. 388.
- - - [Richardson Ebenezer, ] gets back to
Stoneham. 400.
Royal Family, an Ac- count when they were born, &c, 58.
Representatives of the Province of M. Bay, their reply to Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] s Speech, refuse to acknowledge the King's right to
remove them by Instructions, &c, 61.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of M. Bay,] their Answer to the Govr. Speech, beg that he would remove the Court to
Boston, &c 90.