Estimate of the charges of the American War to Great
Britain, and the consequences of the ruinous measures of carry- ingon the war &c, against the Colonies [diamond] 939.
Expedition from Boston, against the British Fleet in the lower Harbour : drive them off, &c, 956,957.
- - - [Fire ] on board a store Ship in Bos- ton[Boston]Harbour : which occasions great conster- nation in the Town, from an apprehension of powder's being in her.
- - - [Fire ] burn's down the Orphan House by Lightening.
- - - [Fire ] at New York, burns Govr. Tryon[William Tryon] s House. 429.
- - - [Fire ] at the Inoculating Hospi- tal , consumes it. 441.
- - - [Fire ] in Fish Street, 5 persons burnt to Death. 549.
Freemasons walk in procession, and hear a Sermon. 104.
Franklin[William Franklin]Govr. his Speech to the New Jersey Assembly,
tell's them the King has made the chief Judge independant, by
granting him his Salary, &c, 141.
- - - [ Franklin[William Franklin]Govr. ] his Speech to the same, chief- ly on the troubles of America: dislikes the
meeting of the Colonies in Congress, &c, 662.
- - - [ Franklin[William Franklin]Govr. ] his Answer to the address of Council. 681.
- - - [ Franklin[William Franklin]Govr. ] his reply to the address of the House, in answer to his
Speech, Ibid.
- - - [ Franklin[William Franklin]Govr. ] his Speech to the Assembly, on american affairs. &c, 858.
France, how many square leagues, & People it
contains. 256
- - - [France] Treaty wthye United States1018, &c.
Freeholders of Middlesex in England meet, and agree to endeavour to have short Parliaments &c,
Factors for Tea: see under Tea.
Fine, how much for a Juryman's refusing to serve, at the Superior
Court. 437.
Franklin Agent, procures Govr.Hutchin- son[Thomas Hutchinson] 's, & Oliver[Andrew Oliver] 's Letters, transmits to America: as
they had a design to incense the Mother Country, against the
Colonies, &c. 460.