Colden[Cadwallader Colden] , Governor, his Speech to the General Assembly of
New York, on the dis- orders of America, hints a dislike of the mode of
proceeding by a Congress, &c, 662.
Common Sense, an excellent pamphlet; an extract from it, shewing that the Colonies must be independent, &c, 907.
Campbel Col[Colonel] , his Letter to Genr'alHowe[William Howe] on his captivity, 971.
Carlton[Sir Guy Carleton] , Govr. Issues a declaration that he will accept of no
Flag's from Rebels, or messages, &c, and lets the
prisoners go on their parole, &c, 993.
Cork city of, a petition to the King, relative to the
American War. 1022.
- - - [Bishops American ] petition for them rejected. 109.
- - - [Bishops American ] the having them in
America, disliked in general. 148.
- - - [Bishops American ] are not needed in
America: will do great harm: not wanted by either
Clergy or Laity, &c. 1115
Biles Mather, junr. preaches a convention Sermon, which gives great
offense: extract of a conference with his People, when he was about
taking Orders, &c. 155.