Garden Book, page 48
by Thomas Jefferson

[column 1]

1812. Calendar for this year.
Manure and make up hop-hills.
Asparagus. dress and replant.

Frame peas. expected May 17
Radish & lettuces. XIII
Spinach. XII.
plant beds.
early Cabbage

Frame 1st. or submural terrace. May 21. exp.
Hotspurs. 11. expected June. 1.
Ledmans I. expected June 8
Potatoes. early. strait terras 1.f
Hudson. 3d. Ter. 1. a.
Alpine. circular Terras. 4.5.

Nasturtium. IX.1.2.3.
Tomatas. X.
Artichokes. XI.
3d. Ter. C.
Beets XIV.2.
Garlic. XIV. 3.
Leeks XIV. 4.
Onions. XV.
Chives. XVI. 1.
Shalots. XVI. 2.
Seakale. Circ. T. 3.
Hops. 3d. T. b.
Summr. turneps 3d. T. e.

Peas Ledman's. III. expected June 25
Snaps. V.
Major. IX. 10.
Bull nose. IX. 11.
Cayenne. IX. 12.
Mustard Durham. XII
Salsafia. XIV. 3. T. d.
lettuce. radishes. XVII. 1.
terragon. XVII.
long haricots. Circ. T. 7.
Lima beans. Circ. T. 8. a.
Corn Pani. Circ. T. 8. b. & orchard
Ravensworths Circ. T. 10. a.b. & orchard.
cow peas. Circ. Ter. 11. a.b. & orchard.

Peas Ledmans. IV. expected July 1.
Snaps. VI.
Cucumbers. Gerkins. VIII.
Melons. IX. 4.5.6.
Melongena. white IX. 7. purple 8. prickly 9.
Okra. X.
Squashes XII.
lettuce. radishes. XVII. 2.
Sorrel. 3. T. e.

red Haricots. VII.
lettuce. radishes. XVII. 2.
homony beans. Circ. T. 8. b.
Swedish Turneps. Circ. T. 9. a. b.

take up flower bulbs. separate offsets. replant lillies.

Spinach. Lettuce

sow spinach. Lettuce.

dress flower borders & set out bulbs.

cover figs and tender plants. litter Asparagus beds.
plant trees. privet. thorn
trim trees, vines, raspb. gooseb. currants.
turf. bring in manure and trench it into hills.

[column 2]

Terras. 4th E. end. Sweet scented grass seed a grass from Genl.Mason.
6th. W. end. rye grass. Ronaldson
7. yellow clover. R
9. Oats Scotch.R.
10. *do. red. Tuscany
11. *barley naked
12. *Tares. R
13. Scarcity root R
14. Parsneps R
15. Scorzonera. R
16. Cabbage. red. R
17. Aberdeen R
18. large Cattle R
19. Kale Russian. R.
the articles marked R. were sent me by mr.Ronaldson from Edinbg.

sowed in Square XIl. begg. on the West side in rows
row 1st. Cauliflower
2d. Broccoli white
3d. green
4th. purple
5th. Cabbage. May
6th. dwarf
7th. sugar loaf
8th. Savoy green
9th. yellow.
10th. Sprouts Brussels.
bed. 11. N. end Spinach prickly.
S. end broad do.
12. S. end. broad do.

laid them off into compartmts. of 10.f. length each.
in the N. borders are 43.
in the S. borders are 44 1/2
the odd compartments are for bulbs requirg taking up
the even ones for seeds & permanent bulbs.
denote the inner borders -i. and the outer o.

Bellflower in 28th. on both sides
African Marigold 32d. do.
White poppy 42d. N. and 44th. S.
there was by mistake an interchange of place between one of the parcels of bellflower & Poppy

Asparagus comes to table.

Arbor beans white, scarlet, crimson, purple. at the trees of the level on both sides of terrasses, and on long walk of garden.

E. Vineyard. terras
20. Polygonum Tartanicum. buckwheat
21. Panicum Virgatum. Guinea millet.

last dish of artichokes.