- 1783 Catalog of Books
AboutThomas Jefferson's working list of the books in his personal library. Although the volume has been referred to as the '1783 Catalog' Jefferson started it circa 1775 and used it for many years to track volumes he owned as well as those he wished to purchase.
- 1789 Catalog of Books
AboutThis updated manuscript catalog compiled by Thomas Jefferson seems to be a list of titles he purchased, either for himself or others, while serving as minister plenipotentiary between 1785 and 1789.
- Declaration of Independence
AboutA manuscript copy written by Thomas Jefferson represents the Declaration as drafted by the Committee of Five, before the Continental Congress revised it.
- Farm Book
AboutJefferson's records about his farm holdings, including Monticello, Shadwell, Lego and Poplar Forest. The volume spans from 1774 to 1824, and contains information about planting and harvesting schedules, workers (slaves), crop yields, livestock and farm equipment.
- Garden Book
AboutJefferson's records about his gardens at Monticello and Shadwell. The Volume spans from 1766 to 1824 and contains information about varieties of fruits and vegetables, sowing locations, harvesting dates, and notations about soil and weather conditions.
- Notes on the State of Virginia
AboutThe handwritten copy Thomas Jefferson loaned to the printer of the first published edition in 1785. This 142-page manuscript includes partial page additions and gives evidence of how the text evolved.
- Architectural Drawings
AboutArchitectural drawings, sketches and notes relating to designs of Monticello, the Virginia Capitol, President's House, and other buildings, as well as objects and machines.
- Additional Documents
AboutSelections of additional single items (letters, notes, lists) from the Massachusetts Historical Society's Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts, the second largest Jefferson collection in the country.
- Additional Volumes
AboutSeveral additional manuscript volumes from the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts, including Jefferson’s Account book and Weather recordings have been digitized and are linked to the collection guide.
Digital images made thanks to Save America's Treasures federal grant program.
Additional content funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation.