Garden Book, page 46
by Thomas Jefferson

1812. where when. transplantd come to table gone Miscellanies.
Frame peas bord.I. -- V. Feb. 15. *May 22.
*these articles might have been used some days sooner but I was from home.
Mar. 6. up. Apr. 22. 1st. blossom
May. 1. pods
Cucumbers. forward boxes I. -- III. Feb. 22. June.9. 13 Apr. 24. up.
Tomatas do. VII-XVIII June. 13.
Lettuce. white loaf XIII. 1. 29. June 25. June 12. in perfect loaf to wit. 104 days.
Radishes. scarlet XIII. 1 *May 22.
celery plant bed Lego. Mar. 2. June. 8.
do. do.Shadwell
Frame peas
submural 6. *May 22. 1st. blossom. Apr.25.
May 4. pod
II. June. 5. Mar. 23. up. Apr. 28. 1st. blossm.
I. June. 12. Mar. 25. up
Cucumbers Early White. P.C. boxes IV. V. VI. 8. June 9. 13.
Sprout Kale Nursery. 17. W.
Cabbage. many head do.17 E.
Savoy 18. W
Cauliflower 18. E
Broccoli 19.
Lettuce White Loaf XVII. 1. S. end. Apr. 2. June 25. loafed. 12 weeks
Radish, early scarlet ib. 2
Terragon XVII. 1. N. end Apr. 2.
Sorrel transplanted 3rd. Terras. e. E Apr. 3.
Turnep. early Dutch.R ib.W 3
Scallions XVI. 1. 4.
Shalots 2. 4.
Carrots Early. R. 3. T.c. East 11
large. R. 3. T.c. middle
Orange 3. T.c. West
Tomatas Border VI. Aug. 14
Ledman's peas III 14
Snaps grey V. 15. June 13. pod. June 8.
Lettuce white XVII. 2. July 1. 11. weeks
Radish scarlet ib. S.end
Radish black. R. ib. N.end
Benni int. 3rd. T. & Bailey
Malta Kale Nursery S. 16.
Nasturtium IX. 1.2.3.
Melon. Chinese 4.
Melongena. white 7.
purple 8
prickly 9.
Leeks. common XIV. 4. S. 17.
flag. R. N. 17
Onions XV. 18.
long haricots. ours Circ. T.6.E. 21 July. 15.
asparagus bean Maryld. W. July 11.
Salsafia 3d. T. d. 22
Tomatas Submural
Lima beans Circ. T. 7. Aug. 5.
Sea Kale Circ. T. 3. E. end. 23.
P.C. Cucumbers early White VIII. E. row 24
gerkins 2d. row
Early green 3d. row
Pani corn orchard. 25. Aug. 4.
Cherokee corn do.
Lettuce white XVII. 3.S. 24. July 4.loafd. 10. weeks + 1. day
radish. scarlet XVII. 3.S.
Carrots. Orange XIII. 27
Salsafia.Columbian XIV. 1. N.
do. common ib.S.
beets ib.2.
Peas Leadmans IV. last dish Jul. 17.
cucumbers early hhd 1.2. 24.
red haricots. Circ. T. 3. W. 30.
July 7.
Lettuce white XVII. 3. N. May. 5 July. 8.loafd. 9. weeks + 1. day
Radish black. R. ib. May. 5