staves for a tobo. hhd are by law to be 4 f. 6. 1. long. the head 34. I. in the clear with an allowance of 2. 1. more for the prising head.
Farm Book, page 114
by Thomas Jefferson
by Thomas Jefferson
IXV. Carpenters, Wheelwrights. coopers.
1812. June.
Johnny Hemings & Lewis make a set of Venetian blinds with fixed slats, i.e., 2. pair 3 f. 3 1. square in 6. days, splitting out the slats from common plank with the handsaw. say a window a week.
1814. Mar. 21.
Johnny Hemings begun the body of a Landau Jan. 12. and finished it this day. being 9 weeks + 5 days . he had not more help from Lewis than made up for his interruptions. the smith's work employed the smiths perhaps 1/3 of the same time.
1818. Feb. 1.
Johnny Hem. & Lewis began a dressing table & finished it in exactly 6. weeks, of which 4. weeks was such dreadful weather that, even within doors, nothing like full work could be done.
Apr. 2.
a 2d is finished, having taken only from Mar. 15. to wit 16. working days.
a panneled door is done in 5. days, all the stuff being previously planed up.
1821 Apr. 14.
the staves of a flour barrel are got 28. 1. long & dress to 27 I.
it it takes 16. or 17. staves to a barrel & 6. heading pieces 22. or 23 in all.
a cut of a middle sized tree yields 16. or 17. bolts, which give 4 staves each.
such a tree, midling good will yield 18. or 20 cuts.
a cut will make 3. barrels, staves & heading
one tree with another will make 50. barrels.