Garden Book, page 61
by Thomas Jefferson

1820 where when come to table
Celery Th.J.R. Feb. 9. Feb. 25 up. Apr. 19. blossom
Feb. 28 up. Apr. 25 blossom
Mar. 31. to Apr. 30 thermom. from
29. to 32. with snow, have prostrated these
May peas below wall Feb. 14. May. 9.
Frames (3. y.old) Bord. I-V. 19
white lettuce high bed
Radish May 9.
Spinach. Summer
Early York 15
Sprout Kale
Frame peas Lietch. submural. III. IV. 19 Mar. 16. up. Mar. 31. prostrated by cold.
dwarf early Cabbage Coffee 23.
Hotspurs sq.I. Mar. 1. May 25
Marrowfats II June 13
do. III 16 Mar. 28. appearing
Spinach summer
carrots 27
tomatas dwarf
snaps June 8. May. 25. blossom.
Marrow fats IV Apr. 4.
purple broccoli 5
long haricots 10 July 13.
Lima beans
Dry haricot. Lange terras 11
Scarlet beans terras June 20.
Frame cucumbers from Coffee 13
early do.
Snaps 15
Romany beans high terras 16 June 19
Tuscan beans 25
Pani corn May 3.
Malta Broccoli June 6. transplanted finally
Snaps 5
Chick peas 15
Broccoli 16 June 6. transplanted finally
Brussels sprouts 29
Chick peas June 5.
borecole transpld. Sq. I 12