Garden Book, page 42
by Thomas Jefferson

Kalendar 1811. where when transplantd. come to table gone Miscellaneous
Frame peas bord.I-V Mar. 1. May 11. in blossom Apr. 19. & in
pod Apr. 27. to table May 11.
solid celery plantbeds. June 29
do. Goodm's Mar. 5
Frame peas sq.I Mar. 9 May 23.
mrs. Cole's forward sq.I.
Sea Kale IX. 6 Mar. 22.
Peas Hotspur III 25. June 4 June 17 blossoms May. 7.
Lettuce from Price IX. 3.
Lettuce loaf 9.10. Apr. 8
Malta Kale 1. Apr. 8.
cabbage, many head 2. June 29.
early sugarloaf 4. June 3.29
Savoy green curl? 5. June 3.29
Broccoli. early purple XIII.3.North
Caulifower early 3.South
lettuce white loaf & Radish 1.
Spinach Summer 4.
Onions hanging XVIII. 9.
cucumber early hhd. 13 July 2. June 8.blossom
long green do. July 2.
tomatas Span. bord VI.
early cucumbers XI. E. 16
salsafia XV. East 18
Leadmans peas IV 23. July 2. June 14.blossom
sorrel IX. 7
carrots XVI 24.
grey snaps V. West half 29. 750. fill a pint, & sow 355. f.
June 9. blossom.
red haricots East half 350 = 1/6 pint sow 178 f.
Windsor beans. 4. rows II 30
grey Snaps 8. rows June 19. June 9.blossom.
Lima beans. X. May 1. Aug. 4 2. gills planted 72. hills
Asparagus beans VII. 2. July 16. Oct. 24. 2/3 pint sow a large square, rows
2 1/2 f apart & 1 f. & 18. I. apart in the
row, one half at each distance
sow earlier hereafter
Lettuce. white loaf XV.1. 4
Radish. early scarlet
Okra XV. middle
Peas Leadman's VI. 7. June 17. blossom
Cauliflower Leghorn XV. 2. S. end 10. from Mr. Reery
Broccoli Leghorn XV. 2. N. end 10.
Beet 3d.terras. Raspby. 11.
Parsneps do.E.Vineyard
Rhubarb esculent. Submural
Leadman's dwarfs VIII. 20 July 1. blossom
Lettuce. White loaf XV.
Radish. early scarlet
cucumber long green. XI. W 23.
Miami melon N. border
Carrots. yellow. mrs. Lewis 3d.terras W. Vd. June 1.
Lettuce wh. loaf. Price XV 4.
Radish early Scarlet
Spinach Summer
double Parsley Submural
Snaps. grey 3d. terras 6
Lettuce wh. loaf. Price 17
Radish E. S.
Lettuce white loaf 29
Radish Summer
Lettuce Tennis July 6.
radishes qu. what
Lettuce. Tennis July 16.
radishes. Summer?
Turnep. Swedish. 3d. Terras 20
Lettuce Tennis 22
radishes qu.what