Garden Book, page 19
by Thomas Jefferson

sowed a bed of Early and a bed of Marrowfat peas.

.the peach trees at Monticello in blossom.
we have had the most favorable winter ever known in the memory of man. not more than three or four snows to cover the ground, of which two might lie about two days and the others not one. the only weather which could be called any thing cold was for about a week following the frost before noted Nov. 17.
some time in this month (the particular time I omitted to note) there came very cold weather & frosts every night for a week, which killed every peach at Monticello. they were generally killed (tho' not universally) in the neighborhood also. apples & cherries were also killed. this was the first instance since Monticello was seated of the fruit being totally killed; as the frost of May. 5. 1774. was the first of a partial loss.

this morning the Northern part of the blue ridge (to wit from opposite to Monticello Northwardly as far as we can see) is white with snow.