of your grapes turn out illy, cut off the vine & ingraft another on the stock. an acre in vines where they are 2 1/2 f apart in the row will admit 4316. in all.
Garden Book, page 17
by Thomas Jefferson
by Thomas Jefferson
Apr. 6
sowed, planted &c as follows.
No. 1. Cocomere di Pistoia. Watermelons. 34. hills.
2. Cocomore di seme Neapolitane. 37. hills.
12. Zatte di Massa. Canteloupe melons. 18. hills.
18. Popone Arancini di Pistoia. Musk melons. 11. hills
64. in the Meadow. Rice
Meadow |
7. Zucche bianche. white pumpkins. 22. monticini 8. Zucche nere. black do. 42. hills. 9. do. di Monacho. 8. monticini. 10. do. Lauri. 9. monticini 11. do. da Pescatori. 3. do.
*in making a stone wall in my garden I find by an accurate calculation that 7 1/2 cubical feet be done in a day by one hand who brings his own stone into place and does every thing.
sowed 4. rows of forward peas.
2. do. of
sowed No. 67. white beet
68. red beet.
69.Scarlet radishes. Tuckahoe.
from England
May. 2.
sowed No. 3. Carrots. 6. Spinach 10. Curled Parsley. 11. Peas. 20. Rape. 32. Savoys 73. Coleworts 75. Broccoli 40. Ice Lettuce |
from Dr. Brown's |