[Continuation of entry on bottom of page 12.]
No. 16. Vetch.
37. Spinaci. Spinach.
45. Carote di Pisa. Carrots.
48. Cavol broccolo Francese di Pisa. Broccoli.
49. Carote. Carrots.
51. Beans. Dr. Bland.
54. Lattuga. Lettuce.
55. Cipolle. Col. Cary. Onions.
57. Parsnips. Col. Cary.
59. Parsnips. mr. Eppes.
60. Salmon radishes.
61. Carrots.
72. Siberian wheat.
Sowed the following things distinguished by numbered sticks
early & later peas from Col. Cary |
No. 29. green Lentils
32. Italian Cresses.
73. Garden Cresses mr.Webb.
4. Black eyed peas which yeild two crops.Colo. R. Randolph
seven rows of Grano Estivo from Tuscany.
No. 50. Nasturcium in 35. little hills. 29. Cresses 23. Celery Radichio. the same as No. 15 |
Solid Celery. in the Meadow.
No. 18. Asparagus.
5. Beans. Dr. Clayton.
Peach trees at Monticello in general bloom.