Farm Book, page 167
by Thomas Jefferson

. woollen shirting
outer clothing 24. Men. 132 168 made 115. yeds. dble. cloth for outer
nothing else
19. women 95 133
42. children 130 1/4 160
357 1/4 461.

26. blankets

6. beds = 54. yds.

Estimate of corn from Jan. 21. 1821.

86. persons @ 5. B. a week. 27 weeks to July 10. 135.
fattening hogs 3.50
9. breeding sows @ 1. pint a day each to Mar. 10. 70. days 2.
44. shoats @ 1/2 pint a day 70. days 4.80
70. pigs. @ 1/2 pint a day to July 10. 190. days. 36.
2. beeves 3. galls. a day to Mar. 10. 70. days. 20.
Stable 6. horses & a mule 14. galls. a day to July 1. 150. days 52.50
Plantn. 1. horse & 6. mules @ 1 1/2 bush. a day to July 1. 180. days. 54.
93. sheep. @ 1/2 pint a day to Mar. 15. 74. days. 10.60
5. oxen @ 1. bushel a day to May 15 120. days. 24.


Jan. 1. due of rent 170.
Mill [to Sep. 30. wd. be 150. B. but] to July 1.
for milch cows
offal of 350. B. flour. [700. bush. bran. +] 175. b. shipstuff. 22
60. do. of Monticello [120. b. bran +] 30. b. shipstuff 6
250. b. oats rent 50

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Bread list Feb. 1821.
Bacon's the House
Barnaby Betty Br. Peter Hem.
Stannard Mary Phill B.
Davy. senr. Burwell Sally Hem.
Doll Critta. Beverly
Isaac Davy jr. Harriet
James Fanny. Madison
Cretia Ellen Eston
Henry Jenny Thrimston
Milly Melinda Wormly
Lilburne Indridge Ursula.
Matilda Dolly Joe
Band Gill Anne
Lovila. Israel Dolly.
Nancy Joe Cornelius
James L's Edy Thomas
Jerry Maria Louisa
Isabel Patsy Caroline
Jupiter Betsy Critta.
Amy Peter
Amy Isabella
Polly. Chas. John Hem.
Jenny L's John gardr.
Jenny N's Lewis
Moses Mary. Mos'
Sucky Davy
Nace Celia
Shepherd. Tucker
Indridge Zacharia
Sally Marks Patsy
Ferril Fosset
Nancy Fontaine 50. persons
Charlotte Nance 2 p.House
Ned. 52 p. 13 1/2 b.