Farm Book, page 138
by Thomas Jefferson

Estimate of corn necessary for Monticello from Jan. 15. to Nov. 1. 1812.

bread. 100. pecks = 25 bushels a week, for 40. weeks 200
to be drawn from the rent of the toll. from 4th Sat. of Jan. to last Sat. of Oct. 40. weeks mill @ 5. Bar. a week. 200.
The Stable. suppose 7. horses @ 2. galls. a day is 2 1/2 bar. a week 25. weeks 62 1/2
to be drawn at a waggon load of 7 1/2 Bar. every 3 weeks from Tufton 62
Stock. 3. horses @ 6. galls. & 10. mules @ 13. galls. a day. for 90. days 65.
the same at half allowance after grass comes 90. days more
a mare & colt @ 2. galls. between them 90. days 4 1/2
23. grown hogs @ 1. ear a piece per day 75. days 4 1/2
60. sheep @ 1/2 pint of meal a day 75. days 7.
2 beeves @ 1 1/2 gallon a day each for 30. days 2 1/2
2. do. [@ 1 1/2 gallon a day each for] 75. [days ] 5 1/2
heretofore recd. from Tufton 27 Bar
to be still brought from thence 33
to be bought 29 89

3 milch cows @ 1. peck of bran a day. pr. week 21. pecks
2 oxen @ 1. peck of bran a day besides chaff 14
3. other cows 35 = 8 s. 3 p.

Estimate for Tufton
bread @ 31. pecks a week 40. w. 62.
9 horses. at the above rates 60.
56. hogs as above 10 1/2
3. beeves as above abt. 50. days 5 1/2
60. sheep as above 75. days 7
the gage of the corn in the barn 125
deficiency to be economized 20
7. milch cows at the above rates 147. b.
4. oxen at do. both for 12 weeks 84
of the 95. (in addn. to 27. B. from Tufton
33. to be delivd. to E. Bacon
62. for the stable
Estimate for Lego.
bread. 27. pecks a week for 40. weeks 54.
2 horses & 2. mules as above 22 1/2
35 hogs as above 6 1/2
3. beeves as above for 60. days 6 3/4
16. sheep as above 2.
91 3/4
the corn gaged at 69.
deficiency to be economized 22 3/4
2. milch cows 42. bush. bran
2. oxen 42