Farm Book, page 116
by Thomas Jefferson

XV. Spinning, Weaving.
Estimate of what may be spun daily.
of Day
linen for laborers 1. lb. hemp makes 1. yrd. warp & filling.
Wool. for do. 2. yds. to the lb.
Cotton for do. 3 yds. to the lb.
Jan. Dec. 9. 15 oz. 12 oz. 6 oz.
Feb. Nov. 10. 16 2/3 13 1/3 6 2/3
Mar. Oct. 11. 18 1/3 14 2/3 7 1/3
Apr.Sep. 12. 20. 16. 8.
May. Aug. 13. 21. 2/3 17 1/3 8 2/3
June July 14. 23 1/3 18 2/3 9 1/3
Average 11 1/2 19. 15 1/3 7 2/3
1813. June 17.
Judge Homes's statement of the cost of manufacturing superfine
broadcloth at Winchester.
s d
spinning 1. lb clean wool. 20 cuts @ 2d. 3- 4
carding. 10 cents pr. lb. 7 1/4
weaving 1. yd. of 6/4 broadcloth weighing 1. lb. 4- 0
pulling, dressing, dying 5/pr. yard or lb. 5- 0
13-0 pr. yd. or lb. of washed wool.
the wool unwashed, yields from 1/3 to 1/2 it's weight of superfine cloth.
a yard of superfine 6/4 cloth weighs 1. lb.

Judge Holmes writes that the workmen say it takes 2. lb. washed Merino wool to make a yard of 6/4 cloth.
The 39. lb. do. unwashed but on the sheep's back which I sent to Winchester has yielded 10. yds. cloth.