Publications Supported by MHS Fellowships

(MHS Short-term Fellows unless otherwise indicated)


Judith Harford. “Women’s education associations: the role of the Central Association of Irish Schoolmistresses and the Woman’s Education Association, Boston in advancing the cause for women’s admission to Trinity College Dublin and Harvard University,” Paedagogica Historica 53 (2017): 1-17.

Donald Yacovone (NERFC Fellow). “Teaching White Supremacy: U.S. History Textbooks and the Influence of Historians,” Charles Houston Institute blog,



Luke A. Nichter. The Nixon Tapes 1971 and 1972 and The Nixon Tapes: 1973, ed. Douglas Brinkley and Luke A. Nichter. Recipient of the 2017 Arthur S. Link-Warren F. Kuehl Prize for Documentary Editing of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations.

Kara W. Swanson (MHS-NEH Fellow). “Rubbing Elbows and Blowing Smoke: Gender, Class, and Science in the Nineteenth-Century Patent Office,” Isis 108 (2017): 40-61.

Craig Smith. American Honor: The Creation of the Nation’s Ideals during the Revolutionary Era (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018).

Abram Van Engen. “Reagan called America a ‘city on a hill’ because taxpayers funded the humanities,” The Conversation, March 16, 2017.



Daina Ramey Berry. “Beyond the Slave Trade, The Cadaver Trade,” The New York Times, February 4, 2018, Sunday Review, 10.

Rebecca Brannon. “Getting Old in the Young Republic,” The American Historian, vol. 8. May 2016: 27-31.

Christine Desan (MHS-NEH Fellow). American Capitalism: New Histories, ed. Sven Beckert and Christine Desan (New York: Columbia University Press, 2018).

Robert Mann (Loring Fellow). "The 'Contact of Living Souls': Shepard Gilbert's Civics Education in Reconstruction South Carolina," The New England Quarterly 88 (2015): 286-315.

Wendy Roberts (MHS-NEH Fellow). “‘Slavery’ and ‘To Mrs. Eliot on the Death of Her Child’: Two New Manuscript Poems Connected to Phillis Wheatley by the Bostonian Poet Ruth Barrell Andrews,” Early American Literature 51 (2016): 665-681.



Dan Du (NERFC Fellow). “Green Gold and Paper Gold: Seeking Independence through the Chinese-American tea Trade, 1784-1815,” Early American Studies (Winter 2018): 151-191.



Marion Mathison Desrosiers (NERFC Fellow). “Private Lives and Public Spaces: Newport Merchant John Banister and Colonial Consumers,” Newport History 83 (2014): 1-29.

__________. John Banister of Newport: The Life and Accounts of a Colonial Merchant (McFarland & Co. Inc., 2017.)

Jon Grinspan (MHS-NEH Fellow). The Virgin Vote: How Young Americans Made Democracy Social, Politics Personal, and Voting Popular in the Nineteenth Century (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016).



Justin Clark (NERFC Fellow). “The Origins of Blind Autobiography in Visionary Antebellum New England,” New England Quarterly 87 (2014): 228-251.

__________. City of Second Sight: Nineteenth-Century Boston and the Making of American Visual Culture (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018).

__________. “How Political Correctness Led to Islamophobia,” The Boston Globe, Ideas section, August 5, 2017.

Eberhard L. Faber. Building the Land of Dreams: New Orleans and the Transformation of Early America (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016).

Katherine Grandjean. American Passage: The Communications Frontier in Early New England (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014).

Jared Ross Hardesty (NERFC Fellow). ‘‘The Negro at the Gate’: Enslaved Labor in Eighteenth-Century Boston,” New England Quarterly 87(2014):72-98.

__________. Unfreedom: Slavery and Dependence in Eighteenth-Century Boston (New York: New York University Press, 2016).

__________. “Creating an Unfree Hinterland: Merchant Capital, Bound Labor, and Market Production in Eighteenth-century Massachusetts,” Early American Studies 15 (2017): 37-63.

Martha Hodes (MHS-NEH Fellow). Mourning Lincoln (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015). National Book Award “longlist” in nonfiction.

Allison Lange (NERFC Fellow). “Images of Change: Picturing Woman’s Rights from American Independence through the Nineteenth Amendment,” Ph.D. dissertation, Brandeis University, 2014.

Jen Manion. Liberty’s Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015). 2016 Mary Kelley Prize, Society of Historians of the Early American Republic.

Ana Stevenson (NERFC Fellow). “‘Symbols of Our Slavery’: Fashion and Dress reform in the Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century American Print Cultures, Lilith: A Feminist History Journal 20 (2014): 5-20.

__________. “The Woman-Slave Analogy: Rhetorical Foundations in American Culture, 1830-1900,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Queensland, 2015.

__________. “Imagining Women’s Suffrage: Frontier Landscapes and the Transnational Print Culture Networks of Australia, New Zealand, and the United States,” Pacific Historical Review 87 (2018).

Gloria McCahon Whiting (NERFC Fellow). “Power, Patriarchy, and Provision: African Families Negotiate Gender and Slavery in New England,” Journal of American History 103 (2016): 583-605.



Sean Patrick Adams. Home Fires: How Americans Kept Warm in the Nineteenth Century (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014).

Lisa Brooks (NERFC Fellow). Our Beloved Kin: a New History of King Philip’s War (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018).

Hannah Farber (NERFC Fellow). “Underwritten States: Marine Insurance and the Making of Bodies Politic in America, 1622-1815,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of California Berkeley, 2014.

Carrie Hyde (NERFC Fellow). Civic Longing: The Speculative Origins of U.S. Citizenship (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018).

Andrew Lipman. The Saltwater Frontier: Indians and the Contest for the American Coast (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015). Bancroft Prize, 2016.

Millington Bergeson-Lockwood. Race Over Party: Black Politics and Partisanship in Late Nineteenth-Century Boston (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018).



Christine DeLucia (NERFC Fellow). “The Memory Frontier: Uncommon Pursuits of Past and Place in the Northeast after King Philip’s War (1675-78).” Article in Journal of American History to be published in spring 2012 has won the Louis Pelzer Memorial Prize for best article by a graduate student.

__________. “Placing Joseph Bruchac: Native Literary Networks and Cultural Transmission in the Contemporary Northeast,” Studies in American Indian Literatures, special issue on Indigenous New England, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Fall 2012): 71-96.

__________. “The Sound of Violence: Music of King Philip’s War and Memories of Settler Colonialism in the American Northeast,” Common-place: The Journal of Early American Life, special issue on early American music, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Winter 2013).

__________. “Locating Kickemuit: Springs, Stone Memorials, and Contested Placemaking in the Northeastern Borderlands,” Early Americhoan Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, special issue on early American environments, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Spring 2015): 467-502.

__________. “Antiquarian Collecting and the Transits of Indigenous Material Culture: Rethinking 'Indian Relics' and Tribal Histories.” Object Lessons feature, Common-place: The Journal of Early American Life, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Spring 2017)

__________. “An 'Indian Fishing Weir' at Musketaquid: Marking Northeastern Indigenous Homelands and Colonial Memoryscapes,” Gallery Essay, Environmental History, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Jan. 2018): 184-198.

__________. “Fugitive Collections in New England Indian Country: Indigenous Material Culture and Early American History Making at Ezra Stiles’s Yale Museum,” The William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., Vol. 75, No. 1 (Jan. 2018): 111-152.

__________. Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018).

Nora Doyle. “Bodies at Odds: The Maternal Body as Lived Experience and Cultural Expression in America, 1750-1850,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill, 2014.

__________. Maternal Bodies: Redefining Motherhood in Early America (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018).

Jane Fiegen Green (NERFC Fellow; 2010-2011; MHS Short-Term Fellow, 2011-2012). “The Boundaries of Youth: Labor, Maturity, and Coming of Age in Early Nineteenth-Century New England” (Ph.D. dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis, 2014).

Mary Kelley. “While Pen, Ink & Paper Can Be Had”: Reading and Writing in a Time of Revolution,” Early American Studies 10 (2012):439-465.

Marc-William Palen. The “Conspiracy” of Free Trade: The Anglo-American Struggle over Empire and Economic Globalization, 1846-1896 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016).

Christopher L. Pastore (NERFC Fellow), Between Land and Sea: The Atlantic Coast and the Transformation of New England (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014).

David L. Preston. Braddock’s Defeat: The Battle of Monongahela and the Road to Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015). Finalist, George Washington Book Prize. Winner, Guggenheim-Lehrman Prize in Military History; Distinguished Book Award in U.S. History, Society for Military History; 63rd Distinguished Book Award, Society of Colonial Wars; PROSE Award in U.S. History, Association of American Publishers; Judge Robert Woltz History Award, French & Indian War Foundation.

Rachel Tamar Van (MHS-NEH Fellow). “The ‘Woman Pigeon’: Gender and the Anglo-American Commercial Community in Canton & Macao, 1800-1849,” The Pacific Historical Review 83 (2014):561-591.



Eileen Hunt Botting (NERFC Fellow) and Sarah L. Houser, eds. Reminiscences and Traditions of Boston, by Hannah Mather Crocker (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011).

__________. “Theorizing Women’s Political Agency from the Margins of Hannah Mather Crocker’s Reminiscences and Traditions of Boston,” Early American Literature 49 (2014):149-183.

Lindsay DiCuirci. Colonial Revivals: The Nineteenth-Century Lives of Early American Books (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018).

Jim Downs. Sick from Freedom: African American Illness and Suffering during the Civil War and Reconstruction (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).

Linford D. Fisher (MHS-NEH Fellow). The Indian Great Awakening: Religion and the Shaping of Native Cultures in Early America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).

Caroline Frank and Krysta Ryzewski, “ Excavating the Quiet History of a Providence Plantation,” Historical Archaeology 47 (2013):16-44.

Matthew Rainbow Hale. “Regenerating the World: The French Revolution, Civic Festivals, and the Forging of Modern American Democracy, 1793-1795,” Journal of American History 103 (2017): 891-920.

Mazie M. Harris (MHS Short-Term Fellow 2009-2010, NERFC Fellow 2011-2012), “Inventors and Manipulators: Photography as Intellectual Property in Nineteenth-Century New York” (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 2014).

Sean P. Harvey (NERFC Fellow). Native Tongues: Colonialism and Race from Encounter to the Reservation (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015).

April R. Haynes (MHS-NEH Fellow). Riotous Flesh: Women, Physiology, and the Solitary Vice in Nineteenth-Century America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015). 2016 James Broussard Best First Book Prize, Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.

Amber D. Moulton (NERFC Fellow). The Fight for Interracial Marriage Rights in Antebellum Massachusetts (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015).

Rachel A. Shelden. Washington Brotherhood: Politics, Social Life, & the Coming of the Civil War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013).

John D. Wong (NERFC Fellow). Global Trade in the Nineteenth Century: The House of Houqua and the Canton System (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016).



Vincent Carretta (MHS-NEH Fellow). Phillis Wheatley: Biography of a Genius in Bondage (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2011).

Carolyn Eastman (MHS-NEH Fellow). “Blood and Lust: Masculinity and Sexuality in Illustrated Print Portrayals of Early Pirates of the Caribbean,” Thomas A. Foster, ed., New Men: Manliness in Early America (New York: New York University Press, 2009), 95-115.

__________. “Beware the Abandoned Woman: European Travelers, ‘Exceptional’ Native Women, and Interracial Families in Early Modern Atlantic Travelogues,” Toni Bowers and Tita Chico, eds., Atlantic Worlds in the Long Eighteenth Century: Seduction and Sentiment (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 135-147.

__________. “Forgetting History: Antebellum American Peace Reformers and the Specter of the Revolution,” W. Fitzhugh Brundage, Frances Clarke, Clare Corbould, and Michael A. McDonnell, eds., Remembering the Revolution: Memory, History, and Nation-Making in the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2013), 217-233.

Kimberley Elkins (NERFC Fellow). What Is Visible (New York: Grand Central/Twelve, 2014).

Cathryn Halverson. Playing House in the American West: Western Women’s Life Narratives, 1839-1987 (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2013).

Margery M. Heffron. “‘A Fine Romance’: The Courtship Correspondence between Louisa Catherine Johnson and John Quincy Adams,” New England Quarterly 83 (2010):200-218.

__________. Louisa Catherine: The Other Mrs. Adams (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2014).

Hidetaka Hirota. “The Moment of Transition: State Officials, the Federal Government, and the Formation of American Immigration Policy,” Journal of American History 99(2013):1092-1108. Louis Pelzer Memorial Award, Organization of American Historians, 2012.

__________. Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).

Michael Hoberman (MHS-NEH Fellow). New England/New Israel: Jews and Puritans in Early America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2011).

__________. “‘Under Their Captivity & Dispersion’: The Story of Boston’s First Jewish Business Venture,” Early American Studies 9 (2012):601-630.

Deborah Kent. “Alice Bache Gould, Brocardian Geography, and Spanish Archives,” LLULL [journal of the Spanish History of Science Society] 34 (2011):189-192.

__________. “Alice Bache Gould: Mathematician in Search of War Work, 1918,” Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 27 (Feb. 2012): 38-49.

Noam Maggor (MHS Short-Term Fellow 2008-2009, NERFC Fellow 2012-2013). “To Coddle and Caress These Great Capitalists: Eastern Money, Frontier Populism, and the Politics of Market-Making in the American West,” American Historical Review 122(2017):56-84.

__________. Brahmin Capitalism: Frontiers of Wealth and Populism in America’s First Gilded Age (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2017).

Jeffrey J. Malanson. Addressing America: George Washington’s Farewell and the Making of National Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy, 1796-1852 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2015).

Meredith Neuman (MHS-NEH Fellow). Jeremiah’s Scribes: Creating Sermon Literature in Puritan New England (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013).

Christine Reiser. “Rooted in Movement: Spatial Practices and Community Persistence in Native Southwestern New England” (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 2010).

Len Travers. Hodges’ Scout: A Lost Patrol of the French and Indian War (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015).



Edward E. Andrews. “Prodigal Sons: Indigenous Missionaries in the British American World, 1640-1780” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2009).

__________. Native Apostles: Black and Indian Missionaries in the British American World (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013).

Michael Les Benedict. “Lincoln and Constitutional Politics,” Marquette Law Review 93 (2010):1333-1366.

Loren A. Broc. “Religious Insanity and the Limits of Religious Tolerance in Nineteenth-Century America,” in Kimberly White, ed., Configuring Madness: Representation, Context, and Meaning (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2009).

Dana Magill Cooper. “Country by Birth, Country by Marriage: American Women’s Transnational War Efforts in Great Britain, 1895-1918,” in Kimberly Jensen and Erika Kuhlman, eds., Women and Transnational Activism in Historical Perspective (Dordrecht, Neth.: Republic of Letters Publishing, 2010).

__________. “From New England to Old England: The Anglo-American Life of Mary Endicott Chamberlain Carnegie, 1864-1957,” Massachusetts Historical Review 13(2011): 97-125.

__________. Informal Ambassadors: American Women, Transatlantic Marriages, and Anglo-American Relations, 1865-1945 (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2014).

Gregory Alexander Donofrio. “‘The Container and the Contained’: Functional Preservation of Historic Food Markets” (Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 2009).

Nian-Sheng Huang (MHS-NEH Fellow). “The Impeachment of Justice Hall,” Massachusetts Historical Review 12 (2010): 101-117.

__________. Floating Poverty: The Poor in Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts (Camarillo, Calif., 2012).

Adam Jortner (NERFC Fellow). “Reign of Witches: A Political History of the American Supernatural, 1780-1838” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 2009).

__________. The Gods of Prophetstown: The Battle of Tippecanoe and the Holy War for the American Frontier (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).

Kenneth Minkema. “ ‘Flee From Idols’: Cotton Mather and the Historical Books,” in Reiner Smolinski and Jan Stievermann, eds., “Biblia Americana”: Historical and Intellectual Contexts in Transatlantic Perspective (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2010).

Timothy Mason Roberts. Distant Revolutionaries: 1848 and the Challenge to American Exceptionalism (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2009).

Kenneth Weisbrode. The Atlantic Century: Four Generations of Extraordinary Diplomats Who Forged America’s Vital Alliance with Europe (Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo, 2009).

__________, ed. “Lily Heiliger’s Diary, Berlin, 1989,” Massachusetts Historical Review 12 (2010):119-140.



Elizabeth Bischof. “Women Mentoring Women: Literary Friendships in Turn-of-the Century Boston,” Bostonian Society Newsletter, Spring 2008.

__________. “‘I am a Catholic just as I am a dweller on the Planet’: John Boyle O’Reilly, Louise Imogen Guiney and a Model of Exceptionalist Catholic Literature in Boston,” in Thomas H. O’Connor, ed., Two Centuries of Faith: The Influence of Catholicism on Boston, 1808-2008 (New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 2009), 112-144.

Maria Alessandra Bolletino. “Slavery, War, and Britain’s Atlantic Empire: Black Soldiers, Sailors, and Rebels in the Seven Years’ War” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2009).

Kelly Erby. “Worthy of Respect: Black Waiters in Boston before the Civil War,” Food and History 5 (2007): 205-218.

__________. Restaurant Republic: The Rise of Public Dining in Boston (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016).

Marti Jaye Frank. “Carrying the Mill: Steam, Waterpower and New England Textile Mills in the 19th Century” (Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 2008).

Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz. “‘Could I Not Do Something for the Cause?’: The Brown Women, Antislavery Reform, and American Memory of Militant Abolitionism” (Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 2009).

__________. The Tie That Bound Us: The Women of John Brown’s Family and the Legacy of Radical Abolitionism (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013).

Margaret Lowe (NERFC Fellow). “‘I’m going to tell the truth in this diary though it may sound rather conceited’: Truth, Courtship and Female Identity in the Diary of Marian Lawrence Peabody,” in In Our Own Words: New England Diaries, 1600 to the Present (Boston: Boston University Scholarly Publications, 2009), 27-38.

__________. “‘How Very Wrong They Are, How Little They Know’: Diary-keeping, Private Anguish, Public Bodies, and Modern Female Subjectivity,” Journal of Historical Biography 13 (2013):58-92.

Francesca Morgan (NERFC Fellow). “Lineage as Capital: Genealogy in Antebellum New England,” New England Quarterly 83 (2010):250-282.

__________. “A Noble Pursuit? Bourgeois America’s Use of Lineage,” in Sven Beckert and Julia Rosenbaum, eds., Distinction and Identity: Bourgeois Culture in Nineteenth-Century America (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

Heather S. Nathans. Slavery and Sentiment on the American Stage, 1787-1861: Lifting the Veil of Black (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

__________. “Blood will have Blood: Slavery, Violence, and Macbeth in Antebellum America,” in Weyward, Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).

__________. “‘A Course of Learning and Ingenious Studies’: Race, Class, Gender, and Performance in Antebellum American Education,” in Nathans et al., eds., Shakespearean Educations: Power, Citizenship, and Performance (Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press, 2010).

Elizabeth Pillsbury (NERFC Fellow). “An American Bouillabaisse: The Ecology, Politics and Economics of Fishing around New York City, 1870-Present” (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 2009).

Gautham Rao (NERFC Fellow). “Cities of Ports: The Warehousing Act of 1846 and the Centralization of American Commerce,” Thresholds: The MIT Department of Architecture’s Critical Journal of Architecture, Art, and Media Culture 34 (2007).

__________. “The Creation of the American State: Customshouses, Law, and Commerce in the Age of Revolution” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 2008).

__________. “The Federal Posse Comitatus Doctrine: Slavery, Compulsion, and Statecraft in Mid-Nineteenth Century America,” Law and History Review 26 (2008).

__________. “Sailors’ Health and National Wealth: Marine Hospitals in the Early Republic,” Commonplace 9 (October 2008).

__________. National Duties: Custom Houses and the Making of the American State (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016).

James Roberts (MHS Short-term Fellow, 2006-2007, NERFC Fellow, 2007-2008). “Caribbean Ambitions and Entanglements: A Selection of Massachusetts Family Networks in the British West Indies, 1760-1810,” in Peter Benes, ed., New England and the Caribbean (Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife annual proceedings; v.33, 2008).

Lisa Tetrault (NERFC Fellow, 2006-2007, MHS-NEH Long-term Fellow, 2007-2008). “The Incorporation of American Feminism: Suffragists and the Postbellum Lyceum,” Journal of American History 96(March 2010), 1027-1056.

__________. The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014).

Catherine L. Thompson. Patient Expectations: How Economics, Religion, and Malpractice Shaped Therapeutics in Early America (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015).

Lisa Wilson (MHS-NEH Long-term Fellow). A History of Stepfamilies in Early America (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014).

Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai (MHS Short-term Fellow, 2006-2007, NERFC Fellow, 2007-2008). “The Burden of Their Class: College-Educated New Englanders and Leadership in the Civil War Era” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 2010).

__________. “Universities and Their Sons: New England College Students and Graduates in the Civil War,” Massachusetts Historical Review 13(2011): 67-95.

__________. “‘What Is a Person Worth at Such a Time’: New England College Students, Sectionalism, and Secession” in James Marten, ed., Children and Youth during the Civil War Era (New York: New York University Press, 2012).

__________. Northern Character: College-Educated New Englanders, Honor, Nationalism, and Leadership in the Civil War Era (New York: Fordham University Press, 2016).



Caroline Frank. “China as Object and Imaginary in the Making of an American Nation” (Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 2008). Awarded Ralph Gabriel Dissertation Prize by the American Studies Association, 2008.

__________. Objectifying China, Imagining America: Chinese Commodities in Early America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011).

Glenn Grasso (NERFC Fellow). “The Maritime Revival: Antimodernity, Class, and Culture, 1870-1940” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2009).

Dean Grodzins (MHS-NEH Fellow). “‘Slave Law’ versus ‘Lynch Law’ in Boston: Benjamin Robbins Curtis, Theodore Parker, and the Fugitive Slave Crisis, 1850-1855,” Massachusetts Historical Review 12 (2010): 1-33.

__________. “Government of all, by all, for all: Theodore Parker, Transcendentalism, and the Gettysburg Address,” in Sean Conant, ed., The Gettysburg Address: Perspectives on Lincoln’s Greatest Speech (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 88-106.

__________. “‘Constitution or No Constitution, Law or No Law’: The Boston Vigilance Committees, 1841-1861,” in Matthew Mason, Katheryn P. Viens, and Conrad Edick Wright, eds., Massachusetts and the Civil War: The Commonwealth and National Disunion (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015), 47-73.

__________. “Wendell Phillips, the Rule of Law, and Political Violence,” in Donald Yacovone and A. J. Aiséirithe, eds., “Nothing but Freedom, Justice, and truth”: Essays on the Meaning of Wendell Phillips (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016).

__________. Plate 19, “Boston and Mid-Nineteenth-Century Reform Movements” and Plate 20, “Anti-Slavery Movement,” in Nancy Seasholes, ed., Atlas of Boston History: The Making of a City (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming).

Siobhan M. Hart. “High Stakes: A Poly-Communal Archaeology of the Pocumtuck Fort, Deerfield” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts—Amherst, 2009).

David Hsiung (MHS-NEH Fellow). “Food, Fuel, and the New England Environment in the War for Independence, 1775-1776,” New England Quarterly 80 (2007): 614-654.

Brian Kennedy. “Global Problems, Parochial Concerns: Urban Catholics, New Deal Politics, and the Crises of the 1930s” (Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 2010).

Will Mackintosh. “Expected Sights: The Origins of Tourism in the United States” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 2009).

__________. “‘Ticketed Through’: The Commodification of Travel in the Nineteenth Century,” Journal of the Early Republic 32 (2012): 61-89.

Christopher P. Magra. “Beyond the Banks: The Integrated Wooden Working World of Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts’ Cod Fisheries,” The Northern Mariner/Le Marin Du Nord 17 (2007): 1-15.

__________. The Fisherman’s Cause: Atlantic Commerce and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

Jane T. Merritt, “Beyond Boston: Prerevolutionary Activism and the Other American Tea Parties,” in Beatrice Hohenegger, ed., Steeped in History: The Art of Tea (Los Angeles: Fowler Art Museum, 2009), 164-175.

__________. The Trouble with Tea: The Politics of Consumption in the Eighteenth-Century Global Economy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017).

John A. Ruddiman. “‘A record in the hands of thousands’: Power and Negotiation in the Orderly Books of the Continental Army,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 67 (2010): 747-774.

__________. “Becoming Men of Some Consequence: Young Men of the Continental Army in Revolutionary War and Peace” (Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 2010).

__________. Becoming Men of Some Consequence: Youth and Military Service in the Revolutionary War (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2014).

Susan V. Spellman (NERFC Fellow). “Cornering the Market: Independent Grocers and Innovation in American Small Business, 1860-1940,” (Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009).

Wendy Anne Warren (NERFC Fellow). “‘The Cause of Grief’: The Rape of a Slave in Early New England,” Journal of American History 93 (2007): 1031-1049. Organization of American Historians Louis Pelzer Memorial Award 2006.

__________. New England Bound: Slavery and Colonization in Early America (New York: Liveright, 2016).



Shelby M. Balik (NERFC Fellow). “‘Scattered as Christians Are in This Part of Our Country’: Layfolk’s Reading, Writing, and Religious Community in New England’s Northern Frontier,” New England Quarterly 83 (2010): 607-640.

__________. Rally the Scattered Believers: Northern New England’s Religious Geography (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014).

Beverly K. Brandt (NERFC Fellow). The Craftsman and the Critic: Defining “Usefulness” and “Beauty” in Arts-and-Crafts Era Boston (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2009). Excerpt in American Craft Magazine, fall 2009.

__________. “Reforming Interior Design in Boston, 1880s-1920s: The Impact of the Aesthetic and Arts & Crafts Movements,” Historic New England, fall 2009.

Daniel Cavicchi. “Loving Music: Listeners, Entertainments, and the Origins of Music Fandom in the Nineteenth Century,” in Cornell Sandvoss, Jonathan Gray, and C. Lee Harrington, eds., Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World (New York: New York University Press, 2007), 235-249.

__________. Listening and Longing: Music Lovers in the Age of Barnum (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2011).

Jason M. Colby. “Race, Empire, and New England Capital in the Caribbean, 1890-1930,” Massachusetts Historical Review 11 (2009):1-25.

__________. The Business of Empire: United Fruit, Race, and U.S. Expansion in Central America (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012).

Judith Giesberg. “Army at Home”: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009).

Robb K. Haberman. “Provincial Nationalism: Civic Rivalry in Postrevolutionary American Magazines,” Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 10(2012): 162-193.

Wendy J. Katz. “Portraits and the Production of the Civil Self in Seventeenth-Century Boston,” Winterthur Portfolio: A Journal of American Material Culture 39(2005):101-128.

Heather Miyano Kopelson (MHS Short-term Fellow and NERFC Fellow). “Performing Faith: Religious Practice and Identity in the Puritan Atlantic, 1660-1720” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 2008).

__________. Faithful Bodies: Performing Religion and Race in the Puritan Atlantic (Athens, Ga., 2014).

Kathleen Lawrence. “The Dry-Lighted Soul Ignites: Emerson and His Muse Caroline Sturgis,” Harvard Library Bulletin (Spring 2006).

Amanda Bowie Moniz (MHS Short-term Fellow and NERFC Fellow). “‘Labours in the Cause of Humanity in Every Part of the Globe’: Transatlantic Philanthropic Collaboration and the Cosmopolitan Ideal, 1760-1815” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 2008).

__________. “Cosmopolitanism and the Transformation of Early American Philanthropy,” German Historical Institute, Bulletin Supplement 5 (2008): 9-22.

__________. “Saving the Lives of Strangers: Humane Societies and the Cosmopolitan Provision of Charitable Aid,” Journal of the Early Republic, 29 (2009): 607-640.

__________. “Philanthropy” entry in The Encyclopedia of the American Enlightenment (London: Continuum Books, 2015).

John C. Orr. “Back to the Future: The Continuing Appeal of The Education of Henry Adams,” Kenyon Review Online (Summer 2008).

Reginald Pitts. Introduction, commentary, and notes (with P. Gabrielle Foreman) to Harriet E. Wilson, Our Nig, or Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, In A Two Story House, North, Showing That Slavery’s Shadows Fall Even There (New York: Penguin Classics, 2005).

Kelly A. Ryan. Regulating Passion: Sexuality and Patriarchal Rule in Massachusetts, 1700-1830 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014).

François Weil. Family Trees: A History of Genealogy in America (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013).



Stephen R. Berry. A Path in the Mighty Waters: Shipboard Life & Atlantic Crossings to the New World (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015).

Keith Beutler. “‘Not True to the Extent Supposed’: Early American Evangelicals’ Exaggerated Characterizations of the United States’ Founders as Their Co-Religionists and Lessons for Evangelicals Today,” Intégrité: A Faith and Learning Journal 4 (2005): 19-33.

Matthew Clavin. “American Toussaints: Symbol, Subversion, and the Black Atlantic Tradition in the American Civil War,” Slavery and Abolition 28 (2007): 87-113.

__________. “The Second Haitian Revolution: John Brown, Toussaint Louverture, and the Making of the American Civil War,” Civil War History 54 (2008): 117-145.

__________. Toussaint Louverture and the Civil War: The Promise and Peril of a Second Haitian Revolution (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009).

Christian Ayne Crouch (Short-term Fellowships, 2003-2004, and 2004-2005). Nobility Lost: French and Canadian Martial Cultures, Indians, and the End of New France (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014).

Jason E. Eden. “Negotiating a New Religious World: English Missionaries and American Indians in Colonial Southeastern Massachusetts" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2006).

__________. “Gender and Puritan Missions to New England Indians, 1620-1750,” Priscilla Papers 24 (2010).

__________ and Naomi Eden. “Views of Older Native American Adults in Colonial New England,” Cross-Cultural Gerontology 25 (2010): 285-298.

__________. “‘Therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners’: Indians, Christianity, and Political Engagement in Colonial Massachusetts,” American Indian Quarterly 38 (2014): 36-59.

Ellen Gruber Garvey (MHS-NEH Fellow). “Anonymity, Authorship and Recirculation: A Civil War Episode,” Book History (2006): 159-178.

__________. “The Power of Recirculation: Scrapbooks and the Reception of the Nineteenth Century Press,” in James Machor and Philip Goldstein, eds., New Directions in American Reception Studies (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), 211-231

__________. “Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Appropriation: Scrapbooks and Extra Illustration, CommonPlace, April 2007.

__________. “Scrapbooking the Civil War,” New York Times Disunion blog: November 13, 2012.

__________. Writing with Scissors: American Scrapbooks from the Civil War to the Harlem Renaissance (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013). Recipient of Institute for Humanities Research Transdisciplinary Book Award,Society of American Archivists Waldo Leland Award, SHARP DeLong Book History Prize “Highly Commended” book, EBSCOhost/Research Society for American Periodicals (RSAP) Book Prize—honorable mention.

__________. “Learning to ‘Lean In’ from Our Nineteenth-Century Ancestors,” History News Network, March 25, 2013.

__________. “Strategic Scrapbooks: Hidden Histories of the Early Women’s Movement,” Vitamin W., Aug. 26, 2013.

__________. “A Question of Time: The Cut-and-Paste Pedagogy of the Periodical, the Reading Text, and the Scrpabook,” in Patricia Crain and Caroline Sloat, eds., The Child’s Turn: Childhood in Text and Image in the Nineteenth-Century United States (Atlanta: University of Georgia Press, 2014).

Judith S. Graham. Out Here at the Front: The World War I Letters of Nora Saltonstall (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2004).

Laurie A. Hochstetler. “Making Ministerial Marriage: The Social and Religious Legacy of the Dominion of New England,” New England Quarterly 86(2013): 488-499.

__________. A Ready Wit and a Bold Spirit: The Story of Ann Hutchinson (New York: Routledge, 2014).

Woody Holton (NERFC Fellow, 2003-2004, MHS-NEH Fellow, 2004-2005). “Did the Constitution Save the Economy?” Journal of American History 42 (2005): 442-469.

__________. “ An ‘Excess of Democracy’—Or a Shortage? Rebels, Paternalists, and the Creation of the Constitution,” Journal of the Early Republic 25 (2005): 339-382.

__________. Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution (New York: Hill & Wang, 2007). National Book Award finalist.

__________. Abigail Adams: A Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009). Bancroft Prize winner, 2010.

Christopher Lukasik. “The Face of the Public,” Early American Literature 39 (2004): 413-465.

__________. “Breeding and Reading: Chesterfieldian Civility in the Early Republic,” in Shirley Samuels, ed., A Companion to American Fiction, 1780-1865 (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004), 158-168.

__________. “‘The Vanity of Physiognomy’: Dissimulation and Discenment in Charles Brockden Brown’s Ormond,” Amerikastudien/American Studies 50 (2005): 485-505.

__________. Discerning Characters: Distinction and the Face in American Culture, 1775-1850 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010).

Charlotte Mires, “The Lure of New England and the Search for the Capitol of the World,” New England Quarterly 79 (2006): 37-64.

David Silverman (NERFC Fellow). “The Curse of God: An Idea and Its Origins among the Indians of New York’s Revolutionary Frontier,” William and Mary Quarterly 3rd ser., 66 (2009): 495-534.

__________ . Red Brethren: The Brothertown and Stockbridge Indians and the Problem of Race in Early America (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010).

__________. “To Become a Chosen People: The Missionary Work and Missionary Spirit of the Brothertown and Stockbridge Indians, 1775-1835,” in Joel W. Martin and Mark Nicholas, eds., Native Americans, Christianity, and the Reshaping of Early American Religious Landscape (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010).

Owen Stanwood. “Unlikely Imperialist: The Baron of Saint-Castin and the Transformation of the Northeastern Borderlands,” French Colonial History 5 (2004):43-61.

Robert Strong. “The 88 Hearts of Wm. Adams, “ “Visible,” “A Bold Plea for the Easement of Suffering of these Confessed and Reading Red Saints,” 5 (April 2005).

__________. Puritan Spectacle (Denver: Elixir Press, 2006).



Frances Clarke. “So Lonesome I Could Die: Nostalgia and Debates over Emotional Control in the Civil War North,” Journal of Social History 41 (2007): 253-283.

__________. War Stories: Suffering and Sacrifice in the Civil War North (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011).

Kate Davies. Catherine Macaulay and Mercy Otis Warren: The Revolutionary Atlantic and the Politics of Gender (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).

__________. “Revolutionary Letters: Reading Catherine Macaulay and Mercy Otis Warren,” Women’s Writing (2006).

John Grenier. First Way of War: American War Making on the Frontier, 1607-1814 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005). Society for Military History Best Book Prize.

__________. The Far Reaches of Empire: War in Nova Scotia, 1710-1760 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2008).

Frank A. Guridy. Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African-Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010).

Ivan Jaksic (MHS-NEH Fellow). “El diálogo poético de Longfellow y Pombo,” Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico (Colombia) 43, No. 71-72 (2006): 260-262.

__________. “Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Impact on Abolition in Latin America,” Longfellow House Bulletin 10 (2006):no. 2, p.9.

__________. “El poeta Longfellow y su impacto en Chile y en Hispanoamérica,” Annales de Literatura Chilena (Chile) 12 (Dec. 2009):39-51.

__________. The Hispanic World and American Intellectual Life, 1820-1880 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Published in Spanish as Ven conmigo a la España lejana: :Los intelectuales norteanericanos ante el mundo hispano, 1820-1880 (Santiago and Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económico, 2007).

__________. Bitácora de Archivos (Santiago: Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2009).

__________, ed. William H. Prescott, Vida de Carlos V Tras Su Abdicación (n.p.: Urgoiti Editores, 2010).

__________ and Ilan Stavras. What is la hispanidad? A Conversation (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011). Published in Spanish as ¿Qué es la hispanidad? Una conversación (Santiago: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011).

J. M. Mancini, Pre-Modernism: Art-World Change and American Culture from the Civil War to the Armory Show (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).

__________. “Worlds,” American Art 23(2009): 18-19.

Matthew G. McKenzie, “Vocational Science and the Politics of Independence: The Boston Marine Society, 1754-1812” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of New Hampshire, 2003).

__________. “Salem as Athenaeum: Academic Learning and Vocational Knowledge in the Early Republic” in Dane Anthony Morrison and Nancy Lusignan Schultz, eds., Salem: Place, Myth, and Memory (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2004).

__________. “Navigating Federalism: Federalists, the Boston Marine Society, and the Establishment of Federal Authority in Boston, 1789-1792,” Northern Mariner/Le Marin du Nord 16, no. 3 (2006): 1-14.

Stephen Mihm (NERFC Fellow). A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007).

Jason M. Opal (NERFC Fellow). Beyond the Farm: National Ambitions in Rural New England (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008).

Michael J. Rawson. “The Nature of Water: Reform and the Antebellum Crusade for Municipal Water in Boston,” Environmental History 9(2004): 411-435.

__________. “Nature and the City: Boston and the Construction of the American Metropolis, 1820-1920” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 2005).

__________. “What Lies Beneath: Science, Nature, and the Making of Boston Harbor,” Journal of Urban History 9 (2004): 675-697. Reprinted in Anthony N. Penna and Conrad Edick Wright, eds., Remaking Boston: An Environmental History of the City and Its Surroundings (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009).

__________. Eden on the Charles: The Making of Boston (Cambridge, Mass., 2010) Pulitzer Prize finalist in history, 2011.

Walter Woodward (MHS-NEH Fellow). Bruce D. White and _________, “A Most Exquisite Fellow: William White and an Atlantic World Perspective on the Seventeenth-Century Chymical Furnace,” Ambix: Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry 54 (2007): 285-298.

__________. “Captain John Smith and the Campaign for New England: A Case Study in Modern Place Branding,” New England Quarterly 81 (2008): 91-125.

__________. “Incline Your Second Ear This Way: Song as a Cultural Mediator in Moravian Mission Towns,” in A.G. Roeber, ed., Ethnographies and Exchanges: Native Americans, Moravians, and Catholics in Early North America (University Park, Penn.: Penn State University Press, 2008), 125-142.

__________. Prospero’s America: John Winthrop, Jr., Alchemy, and the Creation of New England Culture (1606-1676) (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009).



Christopher J. Bilodeau. “The Economy of War: Violence, Religion, and the Wabanaki Indians in the Mainer Borderlands” (Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 2006).

Denver Brunsman. “The Evil Necessity: British Naval Impressment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World” (Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 2004).

__________. “The Knowles Atlantic Impressment Riots of the 1740s,” Early American Studies 5 (2007): 324-366.

__________. The Evil Necessity: British Naval Impressment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2013).

__________. “Subjects vs. Citizens: Impressment and Identity in the Anglo-American Atlantic,” Journal of the Early Republic 30 (2010): 557-586.

Benjamin L. Carp. Rebels Rising: Cities and the American Revolution (New York, Oxford University Press, 2007).

James Delbourgo. A Most Amazing Scene of Wonders: Electricity and Enlightenment in Early America (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006).

__________ co-ed. with Nicholas Dew. Science and Empire in the Atlantic World (New York: Routledge, 2008).

Ellen A. Foster. “C.M. Sedgwick’s ‘Patient Investigation’ of America’s Past: An Intertextual study of Hope Leslie,” Ph.D. dissertation, Duquesne University, 2005.

__________ and Melissa J. Homestead, eds., Catherine Maria Sedgwick, Clarence; or, A Tale of Our Own Times (Peterborough, Ontario: Broadeview Press, 2011).

Ruth Wallis Herndon (NERFC Fellow 2001-2002, MHS-NEH Fellow 2006-2007) and Ella Wilcox Sekatau. “Pauper Apprenticeship in Narragansett Country: A Different Name for Slavery in Early New England,” in Slavery/Antislavery in New England, ed. Peter Benes (Boston: Boston University Scholarly Publications, 2005), 56-70.

__________ and John E. Murray, eds. Children Bound to Labor: The Pauper Apprentice System in Early America (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009). Volume includes: Herndon, “‘Proper’ Magistrates and Masters: Binding Out Poor Children in Southern New England, 1720-1820,” 39-51.

__________. “Poor Women and the Boston Almshouse in the Early Republic,” Journal of the Early Republic 32 (2012):349-381. Winner of the JER article prize, 2013.

Karen Leroux. “Veterans of the Schools: Women’s Work in U.S. Public Education, 1865-1902,” Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, 2005.

__________. “‘Lady Teachers’ and the Genteel Roots of Teacher Organization in Gilded Age Cities,” History of Education Quarterly 46(2006): 164-191.

__________. “‘Unpensioned Veterans’: Women Teachers and the Politics of Public Service in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States,” Journal of Women’s History 21(2009): 35-63.

Joan Radner (NERFC Fellow). “Mrs. Editress v. The Village Store Court of Law: Women’s Public Discourse in Rural Postbellum Maine,” in Marli F. Weiner, ed., Of Place and Gender: Women in Maine (Orono: University of Maine Press, 2005), 133-160.

__________. “‘The Speaking Eye and the Listening Ear’: Orality, Literacy, and Manuscript Traditions in Northern New England Villages,” in Sandra Gustafson, ed., Cultural Narratives (South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009).



Louis Arthur Norton. “The Penobscot Expedition: A Tale of Two Indicted Patriots,” The Revere House Gazette 60 (2000):1-6.

__________. “The Penobscot Expedition and the Court Martial of a Connecticut Patriot,” Connecticut History 41 (2002): 115-118.

__________. “Dudley Saltonstall and the Penobscot Expedition,” Connecticut History 42 (2003):19-39.

__________. “The Penobscot Expedition: A Tale of Two Indicted Patriots,” Northern Mariner 16 (2006): 1-28.

__________. Captains Contentious: The Dysfunctional Sons of the Brine (Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 2009).

Chernoh M. Sesay, Jr. (MHS Short-Term Fellow, 2000-2001, 2001-2002). “Emancipation and the Social Origins of Black Freemasonry, 1775-1800,” Peter P. Hinks and Stephen Kantrowitz, eds., All Men Free and Brethren: Essays on the History of African American Freemasonry (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013).

Joshua M. Smith (MHS Short-Term Fellow, 2000-2001; NERFC Fellow, 2002-2003). “Humbert’s Paradox: The Global Context of Smuggling in the Bay of Fundy,” in Stephen Hornsby and John Reid, eds., New England and Atlantic Canada: Connections and Comparisons (McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal and Kingston, 2005).

__________. Borderland Smuggling: Patriots, Loyalists, and Illicit Trade in the Northeast, 1783-1820 (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2006).

__________. Blockhouse and Battery: A History of Fort Edgecomb (Edgecomb, Me.: Friends of Fort Edgecomb, 2009).

__________. “Maine’s Embargo Forts,” Maine History 44(2009): 143-154.

Reiner Smolinski. “Authority and Interpretation: Cotton Mather’s Response to the European Spinozists,” in Arthur Williamson and Allan MacInnes, eds., Shaping the Stuart World, 1603-1714: The Atlantic Connection (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 175-203.

__________, ed. Cotton Mather, Biblia Americana (Tübingen, 2010- ), vol. 1, Genesis (2010).

Tamara Plakins Thornton. “‘The Intelligent Mariner’: Nathaniel Bowditch, The Science of Navigation, and the Art of Upward Mobility in the Maritime World,” New England Quarterly 79 (2006): 609-635.

__________. “Relics in the Sacred Cause of Liberty: A Civil War Memorial Cabinet and the Victorian Logic of Collecting,” in Peter Benes, ed., New England Collectors and Collecting (Boston: Boston University Scholarly Publications, 2006).

__________. “A ‘Great Machine’ or a “Beast of Prey’: A Boston Corporation and Its Rural Debtors in an Age of Capitalist Transformation,” Journal of the Early Republic 27 (2007): 567-597.

__________. Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers: How a Nineteenth-century Man of Business, Science, and the Sea Changed American Life (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016). Peter J. Gomes Memorial Book Prize winner, 2017.

Christopher J. Young. “Contests of Opinion: The Public Sphere in Post-Revolutionary America,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001.

Richard J. John and __________, “Rites of Passage: Postal Petitioning as a Tool of Governance in the Age of Federalism,” in Kenneth R. Bowling and Donald R. Kennon, eds., The House and Senate in the 1790s: Petitioning, Lobbying, and Institutional Development (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2002), 100-138.



Jonathan Beecher Field. Errands into the Metropolis: New England Dissidents in Revolutionary London (Hanover: University Press of New England, 2009).

Marsha L. Hamilton. Social and Economic Networks in Early Massachusetts: Atlantic Connections (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2009).

Samuel J. Martland. “Cuando el gas pasó de moda: la elite de Valparaíso y la tecnología urbana, 1843-1863” EURE 83 (2002): 67-81.

Sarah Messer. Red House: Being a Mostly Accurate Account of New England’s Oldest Continuously Lived-In House (New York: Viking, 2004).

Andrew K. Sandoval-Strausz. Hotel: An American History (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007).

Karen Woods Weierman. “Reading and Writing Hope Leslie: Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s Indian Connections,” New England Quarterly 75 (2002): 415-443.

__________. “A Slave Story I Began and Abandoned: Sedgwick’s Antislavery Manuscript,” in Lucinda Damon-Bach and Victoria Clements, eds., Catharine Maria Sedgwick: Critical Perspectives (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2003), 119-140.



Leslie Butler. “Investigating the ‘Great American Mystery’: Theory and Style in Henry Adams’s Political Reform Moment,” in William Merrill Decker and Earl N. Harbert, eds., Henry Adams & the Need to Know (Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2005), 80-103.

__________. Critical Americans: Victorian Intellectuals and Transatlantic Liberal Reform (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007).

Alison Games. Migration and the Origins of the English Atlantic World (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999).

Sally E. Hadden. Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001).

__________. “Benjamin Lynde, Junior: Servant of the Commonwealth,” Massachusetts Legal History 9 (2003): 1-16.

__________. “Fragmented Laws of Slavery in the Colonial and Revolutionary Eras,” in Christopher Tomlins and Michael Grossberg, eds., Cambridge History of Law in America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 1:253-287, 646-657.

Timothy P. McCarthy. “‘To Plead Our Own Cause’: Black Print Culture and the Origins of American Abolitionism,” in Timothy P. McCarthy and John Stauffer, eds., Prophets of Protest: Reconsiderations of the History of American Abolitionism (New York: New Press, 2006), 114-146.

__________. “A Culture of Dissent: American Abolitionism and the Ordeal of Equality” (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 2006).

Walter L. Sargent. “The Continental Soldier” in Keith Krawczynski, ed., History in Dispute: The American Revolution (Farmington Hills, Mich.,: St. James Press, 2003).

__________. “Answering the Call to Arms: The Social Composition of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Massachusetts, 1775-1783,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2004.

__________. “Mobilization: The War for Independence” in John Resch, ed., Americans at War: Society, Culture, and the Homefront (New York: Macmillan, 2004).

__________. “Colonial Militia Systems” in Peter Karsten, ed., Encyclopedia of War and American Society (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2005).

__________. “Mobilization, Massachusetts,” in Boatner’s Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, rev. ed. (Farmington Hills, Mich.: Thomson Gale, 2006).

__________. “The Massachusetts Rank and File of 1777,” in John Resch and Walter L. Sargent, eds., War and Society in the American Revolution: Mobilization and Home Fronts (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2007).

David Silverman. “The Church in New England Indian Community Life: A View from the Islands and Cape Cod,” in Colin G. Calloway and Neal Salisbury eds., Reinterpreting New England Indians and the Colonial Experience (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 2003).

__________. “‘We chuse to be bounded’: Indian Animal Husbandry in Colonial New England,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 60(2003):511-548.

__________. “Indians, Missionaries, and Religious Translation: Creating Wampanoag Christianity in Seventeenth-Century Martha’s Vineyard,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 62(2005):141-175.

__________. Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha’s Vineyard, 1600-1871 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005).

Kirsten Sword. “Remembering Dinah Nevil: Strategic Deceptions in Eighteenth-Century Antislavery,” Journal of American History 97 (2010):315-343

__________. Wives not Slaves: Marriage and the Invention of the Modern Order (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011).

Douglas L. Wilson. “Jefferson Unbound,” Preservation 53 (2001): no. 6, pp. 48-53.



Max Cavitch. “The Man Who Was Used Up: Poetry, Particularity, and the Politics of Remembering George Washington,” American Literature 75( 2003):247-274.

__________. American Elegy: The Poetry of Mourning from the Puritans to Whitman (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007).

Carolyn Eastman. “The Indian Censures the White Man: ‘Indian Eloquence’ and American Reading Audiences in the Early Republic,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 65 (2008): 535-564.

__________. A Nation of Speechifiers: Making an American Public after the Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009). SHEAR award for best first book, 2010.

__________. “Fight Like a Man’: Gender and Rhetoric in the Early Nineteenth-Century Peace Movement,” American Nineteenth-Century History 10(2009): 247-271.

Janet Greenlees. Female Labour Power: Women Workers’ Influence on Business Practices in the British and American Cotton Industries, 1780-1860 (Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2007).

Robert Martello (MHS Fellow, 1997-1998 and 1998-1999). Midnight Ride, Industrial Dawn: Paul Revere and the Rise of American Enterprise (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010).

Heather S. Nathans. Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas Jefferson: Into the Hands of the People (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).

Jenny Hale Pulsipher, “‘Our Sages are Sageless’: A Letter on Massachusetts Indian Policy after King Philip’s War,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 58 (2001): 431-448.

__________. “‘Subjects unto the Same King’: New England Indians and Royal Authority,” Massachusetts Historical Review 5(2003): 29-57.

__________. Subjects unto the Same King: Indians, English, and the Contest for Authority in Colonial New England (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005).

__________. “‘Dark Cloud Rising in the East’: Indian Sovereignty and the Coming of King William’s War in New England,” New England Quarterly 80 (2007): 588-613.

__________. “Playing John White,” in Joshua Bellin and Laura Mielke, eds., Native Acts: Indian Performance, 1603-1832 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012).

Roger Thompson. Divided We Stand: Watertown, Massachusetts, 1630-1680 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2001).

Kariann Akemi Yokota. Unbecoming British: How Revolutionary America Became a Postcolonial Nation (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011).



Wayne K. Bodle. The Valley Forge Winter: Civilians and Soldiers in War (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002).

Stephen C. Bullock (MHS Short-Term Fellow, 1996-1997, 2004-2005). Tea Sets and Tyranny: The Politics of Politeness in Early America (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017).

Juniper Ellis. Tattooing the World: Pacific Designs in Print and Skin (New York: Columbia University Press, 2008).

Karen L. Kilcup. “The Domestic Abroad: Cross-Class (Re)Visions of Europe and America,” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers (1999): 22-36.

__________, ed. From Beacon Hill to the Crystal Palace: The 1851 Travel Diary of a Working-Class Woman (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2002).

Peter Way. “Soldiers of Misfortune: New England Regulars and the Fall of Oswego, 1755-56,” Massachusetts Historical Review 3 (2001):49-88.

__________. “The Cutting Edge of Culture: British Soldiers Encounter Native Americans in the French and Indian War,” in Martin Daunton and Rick Halpern, eds., Empire and Others: British Encounters with Indigenous People, 1600-1850 (London: University College of London Press, 1999, and Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999).

__________. “Rebellion of the Regulars: Working Soldiers and the Mutiny of 1763-1764, William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 57 (2000):761-792.

__________. “Class and the Common Soldier in the Seven Years’ War,” Labor History 44 (2003):455-481.

__________. “Venus and Mars: Women and the British Army during the Seven Years’ War,” in Julie Flavell and Stephen Conway eds., Britain and America Go to War: The Impact of War and Warfare in Anglo America, 1754-1815 (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2004), 41-68.

Rachel Wheeler. “‘Friends to Your Souls’: Jonathan Edwards’ Indian Pastorate and the Doctrine of Original Sin,” Church History 72(2003), 736-765.

__________. “Hendrick Aupaumut: Christian Mahican Prophet, Journal of the Early Republic 25 (2005):187-220.

__________. To Live Upon Hope: Mohicans and Missionaries in the Eighteenth-Century Northeast (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008).



Catherine Allgor. Parlor Politics: In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000).

__________. “‘A Lady Will Have More Influence’: Women and Patronage in Early Washington City,” in Alison M. Parker and Stephanie Cole, eds., Women and the Unstable State in Nineteenth-Century America (College Station: Texas A. & M. University Press, 2000), 37-60.

__________. “Queen Dolley Saves Washington City,” Washington History 12(2000): 54-69.

__________. Report to the First Lady (Huntington, N.Y.: NOVA History Publications, 2001), 17-23.

__________. “A Queen in the People’s Palace: Dolley Madison Creates the White House,” in William Seale, ed., White House Bicentennial Volume (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2002), 20-33.

__________. “Political Parties: First Ladies and Social Events in the Formation of the Federal Government,” in Robert P. Watson and Anthony J. Esterowicz, eds., The Presidential Companion: Readings on the Political Significance of First Ladies (DeKalb, Ill.,: Northern Illinois University Press, 2003), 35-53.

__________. “Federal Patronage in the Early Republic: The Role of Women in Washington, D.C.,” in Kenneth R. Bowling and Donald R. Kennon, eds., Establishing Congress: The Removal to Washington, D.C., and the Election of 1800 (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2005), 102-127.

__________. Dolley Madison and the Creation of the American Nation (New York: Henry Holt, 2006).

James D. Drake. King Philip’s War: Civil War in New England, 1675-1676 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999).

Joanne B. Freeman. Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001).

Anne S. Lombard. Making Manhood: Growing Up Male in Colonial New England (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003).

Daniel R. Mandell. Behind the Frontier: Indians in Eighteenth-Century Eastern Massachusetts (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996).

__________. “Shifting Boundaries of Race and Ethnicity: Indian-Black Intermarriage in Southern New England, 1760-1880,” Journal of American History 85 (1998): 466-501.

__________. “‘We, as a tribe, will rule ourselves’: Mashpees’ Struggle for Autonomy, 1745-1840,” in Colin G. Calloway and Neal Salisbury, eds., Reinterpreting New England Indians and the Colonial Experience (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 2003), 299-340.

__________. “The Indian’s Pedigree (1794): Indians, Folklore, and Race in Southern New England,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser., 61 (2004): 519-536.

__________. “‘The times are exceedingly altered’: The Revolution and Southern New England Indians,” in Jack Camposi, ed. Eighteenth-Century Native Communities of Southern New England in the Colonial Context (Ledyard, Ct.: Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center, 2005).

__________. “Subaltern Indians, Race, and Class in Early America,” in Simon Middleton and Billy G. Smith, eds., Class Matters: Early North Americans and the Atlantic World (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), 49-61.

__________. Tribe, Race, History: Native Americans in Sothern New England, 1780-1880 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008).

__________. “Eager Partners in Reform: Indians and Fredrick Baylies in Southern New England, 1780-1840,” in Joel Martin and Mark Nicholas, eds., Native Americans, Christianity, and the Reshaping of Early America’s Religious Landscape (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010).

Richard S. Newman. The Transformation of American Abolitionism: Fighting Slavery in the Early Republic (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002).

Howard M. Wach. “A Boston Feminist in the Victorian Sphere: The Social Criticism of Caroline Healey Dall,” New England Quarterly 68 (1995): 429-450.



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