Past and Current MHS Long-term Fellowship Recipients

These scholars received support through the MHS-NEH Long-term Fellowship Program.


Cornelia Dayton
University of Connecticut
The Man Who Married Phillis Wheatley: John Peters, Trader, Lawyer, Physician, and Gentleman

Donald F. Johnson
North Dakota State University
The Popular Politics of American Independence

Betsy Klima
University of Massachusetts, Boston
The Muses of Massachusetts and the Drama of Revolutionary Boston

Ross Nedervelt
Florida International University
Security, Imperial Reconstitution, and the British Atlantic Islands, 1763-1824


Susan Goodier
SUNY Oneonta
Dignity in Freedom: The Life and Advocacy of Louisa Jacobs

Christine M. Walker
Imperial Kin


Nathan Braccio
Utah State University
Mapping New England: The Algonquian-English Cartographic Struggle, 1500-1700

Juliane Braun
Auburn University
Translating the Pacific: Nature Writing, Print Culture and Transoceanic Empire

Kathryn Lasdow
Suffolk University
Wharfed Out: Improvement and Inequity on the Early American Urban Waterfront

Christy Pottroff
Boston College
Citizen Technologies: The U.S. Post Office and the Transformation of Am. Lit


Jamie Bolker
Newberry Library
Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early America

Patrick Bottiger
Kenyon College
Corn, Beans, and Squash: The Three Sisters Agricultural Revolution and the Remaking of North America, 300 CE to 1850

Dan Du
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The World in a Teacup: Chinese-American Tea Trade in the Nineteenth Century


Kabria Baumgartner
University of New Hampshire
The Life and Times of Robert Morris: America's First Human Rights Lawyer

Frank Cirillo
University of Virginia
The Abolitionist Civil War: Immediatists and the Fate of the Union”

Marc-William Palen
University of Exeter
Pax Economics: The Economic War for Peace, 1846-1946

Amy Watson
University of Southern California
Patriots Before Revolution: The Invention of Party Politics in the Atlantic


Lauren Duval
American University
The Home/Front: Gender, Domestic Space, and Military Occupation in the American Revolution

Sean Griffin
Lehman College
Labor, Land, and Freedom: Antebellum Labor Reform and the Rise of Antislavery Politics

Kelly O’Donnell
Thomas Jefferson University
Hippocratic Vows: How the Doctor’s Wife Transformed American Medicine

Peter Wirzbicki
Princeton University
The Abolitionist Nation: An Intellectual History of Nation, Democracy, and Race During Reconstruction, 1863-1877


Mara Caden
Yale University
Mint Conditions: The Politics and Geography of Money in Britain and Its Empire, 1650-1760

Brent Sirota
North Carolina State University
Things Set Apart: An Alternative History of the Separation of Church and State


Kimberly Blockett
Penn State Brandywine
Race, Religion, and Rebellion: Recovering the Early Antebellum Writing and Itinerant Ministry of Zilpha Elaw

Laurel Daen
College of William and Mary
The Constitution of Disability in the Early United States

Adrian C. Weimer
Providence College
Godly Petitions: Puritanism and the Crisis of the Restoration in America


Manisha Sinha
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Men for All Seasons: Sumner, Stevens, and the Making of Radical Reconstruction

Kara Swanson
Northeastern University
A Passion for Patents: Inventiveness, Citizenship and American Nationhood


Christine Desan
Harvard Law School
Designing Money in Early America: Experiments in Political Economy (1680-1775)

Wendy Roberts
SUNY Albany
Redeeming Verse: The Poetics of Revivalism


Erin Kappeler
University of Maine Farmington
"Everyday Laureates: Poetic Communities in New England, 1865-1900"

John Stauffer
Harvard University
"Charles Sumner's America: A Cultural Biography"


Christopher Cameron
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
"Liberal Theology in Early America, 1630-1830"

Jon Grinspan
University of Virginia/ Jefferson Scholars Foundation
"New Votes for New Parties: Young Americans and Third Parties in Antebellum Massachusetts"

Nancy Shoemaker
University of Connecticut
"Pursuing Respectability in the Cannibal Isles: Americans in Nineteenth-Century Fiji"

Michael Vorenberg
Brown University
"The Appomattox Myth: Struggling to Find the End of the American Civil War"


Megan Bowman
University of California Santa Barbara
"Networking for Global Perfection: The International Dimension of Nineteenth-Century Fourierism"

Kristen Collins
Boston University School of Law
"Entitling Marriage: A History of Marriage, Public Money, and the Law"

Matthew Dennis
University of Oregon
"American Relics and the Material Politics of Public Memory"

Martha Hodes
New York University
"Mourning Lincoln: Personal Grief and the Meaning of the American Civil War"


Joshua R. Greenberg
Bridgewater State University
"Face to Face: American Engagement with Paper Money in the Early Republic"

Joanne Pope Melish
University of Kentucky
"Making Black Communities: White Laborers, Black Neighbors, and the Evolution of Race and Class in the Post-Revolutionary North"

Margot Minardi
Reed College
"American Citizens of the World: The Political Culture of Peace Reform, 1812-1865"


Rachel Van
Columbia University
"Free Trade and Family Values: Kinship Networks and the Culture of Early American Capitalism"


Crystal Feimster
University of North Carolina
"Sexual Warfare: Rape and the American Civil War"

Linford D. Fisher
Brown University
"The Indian Great Awakening: Religion and the Shaping of Native Cultures in Early America" (postponed to 2010-2011)

April Haynes
University of California, Santa Barbara
"Riotous Flesh: Confronting Gender and Sexuality through Grahamite Health Reform, 1830-1860"


Vincent Carretta
University of Maryland
Phillis Wheatley Biography

Carolyn Eastman
University of Texas
"Learning to See Gender in the 18th Century Atlantic World"

Michael Hoberman
Fitchburg State College
"New England/New Israel: Puritans and Jews in Colonial New England"

Meredith Neuman
Clark University
"Letter and Spirit: Literary Theories of the Sermon in Puritan New England"


Nian-Sheng Huang
Professor of History, California State University Channel Islands
“The Poor in Early Massachusetts, 1630-1830”

Lisa M. Tetrault
Assistant Professor of History, Carnegie Mellon University
“Memory of a Movement: Re-Imagining Woman Suffrage in Reconstruction America, 1865-1890”


Ruth Wallis Herndon
Assistant Professor of History, University of Toledo
"Children of Misfortune: The Fates of Boston's Poor Apprentices"

Lisa Wilson
Professor of American History, Connecticut College
"Cinderella's Family: Stepfamily Tradition in Eighteenth-Century New England"


Dean Grodzins
Associate Professor of History, Meadville Lombard Theological School
"American Heretic: Theodore Parker, Democracy, and Civil War."

David C. Hsiung
Charles A. Dana Professor of History, Juniata College
"The Environmental History of the American Revolution."


David Ciepley
Mellon Postdoctoral Lecturer, Washington University in St. Louis
"The Other Liberal Tradition in America: The American Whigs and the Rationale for Formative Politics."

Woody Holton
Professor, Department of History, University of Richmond
"Minds Afire: Angry Farmers and the Origins of the United States Constitution."


Ellen Gruber Garvey
Associate Professor, Department of English, New Jersey City University
"Scrapbooks, Scissorizing and Book Destruction and Reconstruction: Interventions in Print Culture"


Iván Jaksic
Professor, Department of History, University of Notre Dame
"The Strange Fascination of Things Spanish: Ticknor, Prescott, and Friends"

Walter W. Woodward
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Dickinson College
"Prospero's America: John Winthrop, Jr., Alchemy, and the Creation of New England Culture (1606-1676)"

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