A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 255. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 255.

Bond of Matthew Allyn1
Hill, John


Noverint vniversi per praesentes me Mathew Alline de Branton in Comit: Devon: gen: teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni Hill de Pilton in Comit: praedict: gen: in octoginta libris bonae et legalis monet: Angliae Solvendis eidem Johanni Hill aut suo certo Atturnato Executoribus Administratoribus vel assignatis suis. ad quam quidem Solutionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligo me haeredes executores et administratores meos firmiter per praesentes Sigillo meo Sigillat: dat: die nono Junij Anno Regni domini nostri Charoli, dei gratiae Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae et Hiberniae regis fidei defensor: etc: decimo Sexto, Annoque domini 1640.

The Condition of this present obligation is such, that If the aboue bounden Mathewe Alline his heires executors, administrators, or assignes, or any of them, shall trulye paye or cause to be payde vnto the aboue saide John Hill his executors administrators or assignes, the full and whole Summe of fortye pounds Lawefull monye of England, within the space of on month after the arrivall of the saide John Hill into the place or countrye commonly called Newe England beioynde the Seas that then this present obligation is to be voide and of none effect otherwise the same is to stand in its full force power effect and virtue.

Mathew Allyn Seal Sealed and delivered In presents of Thom: Aysheforde Tristram Pollard

I arrived at Charelston in Newe England on mondaye beinge the 17th of August 1640, and the next daye Sevennight followinge, beinge Tusedaye, and the 25th daye of the Saide Moonth of August, I received five pounds of Mr. Mathewe Allyne, as part of payement of 40li, which remainder of fourtye pounds, beinge 35 pounds I am to receive of the Saide Mathewe Allyne, on the 14th daye of September next followinge beinge then the full moonth after my arrivall into this land of Newe England, accordinge to the obligation within written.

John Hill 2

W. 1. 134. The body of this document is in the handwriting of John Hill. For Allyn, see Winthrop Papers, III. 249, n. 1.


Hill very likely wrote this paragraph on the second leaf of the folio sheet on which Allyn's bond was written. Subsequently it was cut out and pasted on the verso of the bond. For another document relating to Allyn's bond, see John Hill to John Winthrop, October 13, 1640 (page 293, below).