A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

The Massachusetts General Court to the Promoters of the Ironworks1
Massachusetts Bay Company General Court Promoters of the Ironworks


1. Answer to the first proposition: They are granted the sole priviledge in our jurisdiction of making of Iron, provided that any shall have liberty to joyne till the end of March next; provided also that within two yeares they make sufficient iron for the use of the country.


2. To the second proposition they answer: It is not in the Courts power to grant, but they will propound it to the inhabitants of severall townes and doubt not of their consent. In wast lands not granted they consent.

3. To the third they answer as to the former.

4. To the fourth they answer as to the former.

5. To the fifth they answer in proprieties as to the former, that it is not in the Courts power, and in wast lands they grant them leave to looke out six places, only provided that they doe within 10 yeares set up an iron furnace and forge in each of the places and not a bloomery only. And provided that the Court may grant a plantation in any place which the Court thinke fitting, which may not hinder their present proceeding.

6. The sixth is granted.

7. The seventh: There is granted liberty till the next Court.

8. It is referred to the first proposition.

9. It is answered it does not concerne the Court etc.

10. To the 10th it is answered that the undertakers, their agents and associats and servants, shall have such immunities and priviledges as the lawes of the country doe allow, and for 10 yeares shalbe free from publique charges for any stock they imploy in their businesse.

March 7, 1643/44

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr.: Answer of the Court to the propositions of the Ironworke.


Original not located; 2 Proceedings , VIII. 15, where it is stated that the document is in the handwriting of John Winthrop, Jr. For the official version of this document, see Records of Massachusetts, II. 61–62.