A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Hugh Peter to John Winthrop1
Peter, Hugh JW


To our noble Gouernour, Boston
Honred Sir,

You must giue mee leaue to inquire of your welfare agayne and to intreat you still to looke at him that is gone before vs in greatest sorrowe. I did reioyce when I obserud that same Compositum ius fasque animi, sanctosque Recessus Mentis. The lord bee with you still. James Luxford was at Sagust when I came by I haue layd out for him. Mrs. Lake will come speedily and truly (Sir) you haue many frends Thomas Reade would haue hartily come and done your busines, and if there bee cause stands ready.

Wee are all here well, and are yours. let not Mrs. Strattons busines trouble you. I hope you will find wee loued you, and still shall, but alas wee fayle basely when wee come to proofe. Salute our deere sister, and let her not now bee despondent, least the deuill bee gratifyed. My wife is very thankfull for her apples, and desires much the new fashiond shooes.

Good Sir, if there bee any thing wherin I may bee more yours quid mi impera: bee you euer saluted in the Lord by Your

Hu: Peter Salem 26. 10. 39

W. 3. 54; 4 Collections , VII. 202–203.