A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Winthrop's Memoranda on Court Cases1

(5) 7 3s Rich: Hamon } taken loytering and sleeping abrod in tyme of exercise vpon the Lords daye this last bought out his tyme of mr. Ball of Newbury I Committed him for not illegible
3s Edward Simonds
3s Wm: Firnwell
16 Jo: Jones and Eliz: Furness of Concord for fornication 2 years since she was returned and inioyned to appeare at next Court. qu: she confessed it not of Conscience he was Committed until next 5 daye.
23 Neipnosset sach: of Agawam brought me 6 fathom wampum.
25 N: Davison for swearing submitted to a fine of 20s before me and the deputy.
26 Wm. Quick and Robt. Gillham illegible vndertook in 10li a peece for Edward Eldon that he should appear at the next Court of Assistants to abide etc. the next in the meane tyme he should satisfie such as he hath stolen goods from and depart with his frends out of this Jurisdiction.
29 Francis Doughty of Dorch: and Hen: Webb: de Boston 500li illegible Condition for Fr: Doughty his appearance at the next Court of Assistants to answer Wm. Cole and Eliz: his wife in an action of the case etc.
(6) 1 Mr. Wm. Hibbins vndertook to answere at next Court to the Action of Jo: Knight against Jo: Morecroft.
(6) 1 Jo: Baker 40li } for Jo: Baker his appearance at next Court.
Capt. Edw: Gibbins 30li
5 Peter Pickford } 5li illegible to appear at next Court except called in the mean tyme.
Rich: Redman
Tho: Warner
8 Wm. Cockram had Jo: Neal his servant delivered to him and he vndertook in 5li to bring him in at next Court. Tahans sent me by squillegible 7 fathom wampom.
(6) 23 Rich: Willson inioyned illegible to appear next Court for stealing from mr. Wade of Linne his master.

Memorandum by Governor Winthrop:


Commissioners at general Court for Plimouth to meet at Scituate.

Mr. Chancy his business at Cambridge.

Recorders affairs.

Armes sent home by Jo: Sanford.


W. 1. 192. Cf. Records of Massachusetts, I. 268–270, and Records of the Court of Assistants, II. 85–88, under date September 3, 1639, where there are references to four of the cases mentioned in these memoranda by the Governor.