A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

John Endecott to John Winthrop1
Endecott, John JW


Dearest Sir,

I ame at your disposing about Plimmoth busines both for tyme and place and shall attend vppon you for direction in that busines.2 I question whither we shall be able to determyne any thinge this first meetinge, for it is to be doubted whither in a generall Court they haue giuen any such full commission to any as the Court hath giuen vs. If you please to write a wourd to that effect, and that we might see their Patent, (They shall see ours, I haue the reduplicate) I thinck it will not be amisse. I will leaue it with you whither you thinck it not better to be at Hingham then Scituate. There are 2 men not so peacefull as I could wish, and I rather incline to the first, Hingham and so doeth Mr. Peter who I thinck will goe alonge with mee.

Sir If you please that Dauies3 his punishment be deferred till the next Court, it being desired of many vpon his humble cariadge since his first punishment, I shall consent. The Lord in mercy keepe you for euer in whom I ame Yours truely

Jo: Endecott Ca. May, 1639

W. 3. 39; 4 Collections , VII. 158–161.


John Endecott and Israel Stoughton were commissioned by the Massachusetts General Court on March 13, 1638/39, to negotiate an agreement with Plymouth Colony regarding the disputed boundary between Hingham and Scituate. Records of Massachusetts, I. 254. Their first meeting with the Plymouth commissioners was at Hingham on May 15, 1639. Journal, I. 305; also printed in D.J.W. .


John Davies, “for grosse offences in attempting lewdnes with divers weomen,” was, on March 5, 1638/39, sentenced to be “severely whiped” both at Boston and at Ipswich and “to weare the letter V vpon his breast vpon his vppermost garment vntill the Court do discharge him.” On September 3, 1639, he was “vpon his good carriage . . . discharged from wearing the V which was formerly enioyned him.” Records of Massachusetts, I. 248, 269.