A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 4

Thomas Welles to John Winthrop1
Welles, Thomas JW


To the Right Worshipfull Mr. Wynthroppe Gouernour at the Bay present these
Right Worshipfull,

I cannot but condemne my selfe of great ingratitude, in this my so long sylence, after the receipte of many free and vndesearued fauors from your Worship, for all which I haue not yet any oportunity to expresse my thankefull acknowledgement thereof but by these fewe lynes, wherein I desire humbly to present my harty and vnfeigned thanks vnto you. As for all other manifestations of your loue, so for your great Care and troble in restoreing vnto me my searuaunt out of the pawes of those desperat deluded Cretures at the Iland, wherein he was fearefully intangled and insnared; a Deliuerance, for which both he, and all his frynds, are euer bound to giue thanks to Almighty god, who made your Worship so happy a Instrument as to accomplishe the same. What chardges ether your selfe or any by Order from you haue disbursed I shall most gladly satisfie. My deare Fryend Mr. Bellingham sent me word that he paid for his passage by water, the which I shall thankefully repay at his comming to Conectecott, which he hath appoynted before his Returne to the Bay.

I am sory to heare you haue such Ill Neighbours at Pyscataque which I feare will proue the Reseptacle of such persons as stand disaffected to this State. I should gladly be Aduised by your Worship and my worthy Fryend Mr. Dudley what I might doe for the preuention thereof; haueing the disposeing thereof committed to my Trust (from the Company) with Mr. Whiting, if he bring no other directions at his returne from old Ingland, if your Worship aduise yt may rest as yt is so long. thus craueing pardon for my boldnes I humbly take my leaue and rest At your Worships searuice to be commaunded

Tho: Welles Hartford this 16th of Aprill 1639

W. 2. 186; 4 Collections , VI. 583–584. For Welles, see 4 Collections , VI. 583n. Welles had at this time a good proportion of the patents for Dover, New Hampshire. Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, IV. 478.