A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


To mrs. Marg: Win: the Elder at groton
My deare wife,

Blessed be the Lord our good God, that I still heare of the health of thee and our familye, and that he is pleased to continue health and peace to vs heer. I haue nothinge to write to thee of, but hauinge so fitt opportunitye, I could not let it passe without a lettre to my best beloued: I know thou wilt consider how it is now with me in regard of businesse, which so take vp my tyme and thoughtes, as I can no more but let thee know that, I haue a desire still to be writinge to thee; though I cannot expresse my loue so largly to thee, as I was wonte to doe: I hope (if God will) to be with thee the beginninge of next weeke:2 therfore let John be heer with my horses on saterdaye. all our freindes heer salute thee: comende me kindly to my good seruant, and all our freindes: The Lord blesse thee and all our children and companye: so I kisse my sweet wife and rest thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop.

It may be mr. Cotton of Boston will come see thee on thursdaye or fridaye: gett him to staye a night if thou canst.

London Nouemb: 24. 1629.

W. 1. 66; L. and L. , I. 365.


Winthrop presided at meetings of the General Court of the Company on Wednesday, November 25, Monday, November 30, and Tuesday, December 1; consequently he can not have left London before the last-named date.