A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My deare Wife,

I blesse our good God for the continuance of thy wellfare and the rest of our familye, and for his good prouidence and mercye towardes vs in all our affairs: I thanke thy sweet heart for thy kinde louinge Lettre, and doe longe as much to be with thee, as thou doest to enioye me, the Lorde in his good tyme will bringe vs togither with comfort, as he hath doone ofte heertofore: Let my horses be sent vp on saterdaye or mundaye come sennight,2 except I write to the contrarye in the meane tyme, for I will make what hast I can.

Commende me to my brother Jennye3 etc. and excuse my not answearinge his kinde Lettre for wante of leysure. and so for my neighbour Child, if he come to you. my businesse do the so take vp both my tyme and thoughtes as I cannot expresse my self to thee as I desire, but I knowe thou wilt beare with me, so with all our louinge salutations to thy selfe to all our good freindes with thee, and my blessinge to all our children, thankinge the Lord for the Lorde sic for the recouerye of our Samuell, I commende thee and all ours, and all our Affaires to his grace and good prouidence so I kisse my sweet wife and rest, Thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop. London Nou: 20. 1629.

W. 1. 65; L. and L. , I. 364.


November 28 or 30.


George Jenny, of London, married Mary, sister of Thomasine Clopton, Winthrop's second wife. Vol. I. 345.