A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My good wife,

I wrote to thee by my sonne, and therefore will take libertye to be briefe now, hauinge many other Letters to write, and verye litle leisure. Blessed be the Lorde our good God that in this tyme of our absence from each other we may yet heare of one anothers welfare, and haue comfort in our mutuall loue, which through his grace is so setled, as neither tyme nor absence can alter or deminishe: our freindes heere are in reasonable health (I prayse God) and desire to be kindly remembered to thee: my sister Downinge will expect Mary Morten this next weeke, she may come vp by 87Colchester wagon verye well. I will take a tyme to conferre with my sister Downing about thy clothes she weares no mourninge apparrell but I and my man are in it. I praye thee send to Cambridge so soone as may be. Comende my loue and blessinge to my sonne and daughter: I thanke thee for thy readynesse to entertaine them, but I would not haue thee to make them ouer great a charge, tell him that mr. Gurdon desires to commende a man to him, for his plantation, whom I would haue him to entertaine, for it seemes he is honest and trustye, and fitt to doe seruice, and such he shall haue neede of: let him speake with mr. Gurdon about him.

Let John Sanford speake with Milburne, and tell him that he hath a brother, who should hire a mill of Sir Hen: Mildmay at 56 li. per annum, who offers Sir Henry, that his brother of our towne shalbe bounde with him for his rent, knowe of Milburne if he be willinge to be bound for his brother and lett me knowe his Answeare by thy next Lettre, that I may certifye Sir Henrye of it.

There is a boxe to come downe by the carrier with some thinges for my sonne and daughter.

Sende these Lettres inclosed, as they are directed, speedylye.

Heere is litle newes, that which is, my neighbour Newton will acquainte you with. Comende my loue to all our freinds, mr. Leigh and his wife, brother and sister Gostlinge and2 all the rest, so with my heartiest salutations to thy sweet selfe, my loue and blessinge to all our children, I comende thee and them to the gratious protection and blessinge of our heauenly father, so I kisse thee and wish thee Fare well. Thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop. May 1: 1629

If Mary come vp by the wagon she may haue a porter to carrye her thinges and to direct her to my brother Downinges.


W. 1. 48; L. and L. , I. 291–292.


Thomas and Jane (Winthrop) Gostlin, often mentioned in Vol. I.