A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Will of John Duke, of Colchester, 16291
Duke, John


I John Duke of Colchester, desirous to performe the dutie of a Christian man to leaue myne estate in such a certaintie as that there maie be noe difference about the same after my death, doe make my will in forme following. And first I bequeath my soule to my good god, from whom I certainely expect everlastinge happines by the all sufficient sacrifice of my lord Jesus Christ. And for my bodie my will is that without pompe it be comitted to the earth. I togeather with my beloved wief, Anna Duke, haue already ioyned in the settlinge of my landes, beinge freehould, in Essex and Suffolke, vpon our three children, Mary, Elizabeth, and Judith. Anne my wief shall haue my coppihould landes and tenements in Bildeston and Nedginge in the countie of Suffolk, and in little Bromley in the countie of Essex, duringe the terme of her naturall lief, and after her decease the same shall remayne to the vse of my daughter Judith Duke, and for default of yssue to the vse of Mary Wright wief of Lawrence Wright,2 Doctor of Physicke, and Elizabeth Duke,3 my daughters, their heires and assignes for ever. To the said Anna Duke my wief my coppihould wood called Froste grove in Langham in the countie of Essex, and after her decease to Elizabeth Duke my daughter. All the lands and tenements lying in Norfolke, which I purchased of Mr. Fountaine, vnto the aforesaid Anne my wief, vpon condicion that the saide Anne be bound for the true payment vnto my three daughters Marie, Elizabeth, and Judith of all legacies. Vnto my daughter Marie one hundreth and 86fiftie pounds; and to each of my daughters, Elizabeth and Judith fortie pounds per annum vntill their severall ages of twentie yeares and one or marriage daies, and paying also vnto each, at their severall ages of twentie yeares and one, the somme of seaven hundreth pounds a peece, in full satisfaccion of the last will of John Snelling their grandfather. I giue and bequeath to my lovinge sonne Lawrence Wright all my bookes except my English books, which I giue to my wife to dispose of to her children. To my welbeloued cosens Mr. John Winthrop and William Armitage,4 to either of them three poundes to make them rings; whom I make supervisors. To the two children of Prudence Thorne my sisters daughters deceased, to either of them thirtie shillings. To Anna Humffrey five poundes. To the poore of Colchester twentie poundes. All my goodes, Jewells, and househould stuffe, to my well beloued wief, Anna Duke, for life: after her dicease to my three daughters or their posteritie, as my said wief shall dispose vnto them by her last will. I ordaine said wief sole executrix to see my children brought vpp in good nurture and the feare of the lord vntill they be married. This my will I haue written with myne owne hand and published the thirtie daie of Aprill 1629. There is due to the executors of Macillis Greenerice, fower score sterling of lawfull money of England: my will is that that somme shall be paid by myne executrix. I giue to Marie Wright my daughter all my coppihould land in Lexden neere Colchester. To Judith Duke my coppihould land in little Bently, and for want of yssue, to the right heires of me the said John Duke. And whereas my will was dated before the last of Aprill, this was thus perfected the first daie of May. Gyles Firmin,5 a witness. Probatum 27 Junij 1629, juramento Anne Duke relicte et executricis.


P. C. C., 53 Ridley; Muskett, 79. John Duke, doctor of physic, married Anne Snelling, whose mother Anne (Browne) Snelling was a sister of John Winthrop's mother. Vol. I. 37; Muskett, 82.


Winthrop's physician in his severe illness of the preceding December. Vol. I. 413.


In 1634 she appears as the wife of Thomas Cooke of Pebmarsh, co. Essex. Visitations of Essex, I. 383.


William Armitage of Doncaster, co. York. Visitations of Essex, I. 348.


For Deacon Gyles Firmin, see T. F. Waters, Ipswich, 1633–1700 (Ipswich, 1905), 509, note.