A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Certificate1 to John Garrald
Lengton, John Garrald, John


These bearers John Garrald with his wife,2 sister, and his brother, with his wife and one childe, landed here, att Bristoll in the County of Somersett the 14th of January 1628 –29 and are to post and returne, as in their Certifficat out of Ireland is desired, and to be lodged and relieued as therin is expressed.

John Lengton3Maior.

W. 1. 45.


“John Garrold and his wife” are among the little company of associates in prayer named by John Winthrop, Vol. I. 169.


John Langton was mayor of Bristol in 1628. William Barrett, History and Antiquities of Bristol (Bristol, 1789), 689.