A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 1Note: you've followed an index reference to a note that, due to changes between the print and digital editions, may no longer be on page 38. Please look at all notes at the end of the document or documents on page 38.

Will of Henry Browne of Edwardstone, 15931
Browne, Henry


Henry Browne2 of Milton in Prittlewell in the countie of Essex yeoman, 23rd June, 35 Elizabeth. First and before all other things I giue my sowle to almightie God who made me, and to Jesus Christ who hath redeamed me, and to the holie ghoste who sanctifieth me, acknowledging theis three persons to be one God, Item I giue and bequeathe to Margaret my wief the summe of twentie pounds of lawful money of England, to be paid to her so long as it shall please god to giue her lief, everye six monthes tenne poundes, and all other goodes that she brought to me, as householde, corne, catell and leases, and my parte of the shipp. To my daughter Margerie3 now wiffe of Mr. Weston, Vicar of Wormingfourde, the house and land bought of Mr. Hanam, to her and to the heires of her bodie she had by her husband Speade. To John Speade her sonne the summe of fiftie poundes at the daye of his marriage or his age of four and twentie yeares. To Benjamin Speade her sonne and Anne Speade her daughter the like porcion. To my daughter Anne Snellinge4 my dye-house in Boxford streat. To Anne Snelling5 her daughter fiftie poundes at the daye of her marriage. To Joane Hilles6 my daughter my hovse and lands in Polsted.7 To William Hilles8 her sonne and Joane Hilles and Elizabeth Hilles her daughters fiftie poundes apiece. To Anne Wynthropp9 my daughter my mansion howse etc. To John Wynthropp10 fiftie poundes and to Anne Wynthropp11 and Jane 38Wynthropp12 fiftie poundes apiece at their ages of four and twentye yeares or dayes of marriage. My brother Raven,13 my sister his wiffe and eurie of their children. My brother Browne14 his children. Adam Wynthropp sole executor. Legacies to the poore of Prittlewell and Edwardstone and to others to be paid by my wief out of my shippe. Probatum 27 January 1596, Juramento Adami Wynthropp.


P. C. C., 2 Cobham; Muskett, 77–78.


Henry Browne of Edwardstone died January 8, 1596–97, aged seventy-six, and was buried at Prittlewell. All of his children were by his first wife. Muskett, 82.


Margerie (Browne) Speade married Roger Weston and died before 1608. Ibid. Wormingford is a parish in the hundred of Lexden, co. Essex, on the Stour River.


Anne Browne married John Snelling, of Boxford, clothier, April 6, 1575 (Boxford Register), and had son, John, baptized November 2, 1578, who died young, and Anne, baptized December 27, 1580. Snelling was cousin to William Ames (1576–1633), the Puritan divine and casuist. Boxford Register; Muskett, 82.


Anne Snelling married November 11, 1596, John Duke of Colchester, doctor of physic, who died in June, 1629. Muskett, 82.


Joan Browne married William Hilles of Holton, co. Suffolk, yeoman, son of Peter Hilles of Assington and Holton and Parnell his wife. William Hilles died August 4, 1597, and his widow September 8 of the same year. Their daughter Joan Hilles married Adam Winthrop (1561–1634) of London. Muskett, 82, 102. There are two Holton parishes in Suffolk: one in the incorporation and hundred of Samford and the other in the hundred of Blything. That in Samford is probably intended.


Polstead, a parish in the hundred of Babergh, co. Suffolk.


William Hilles married Elizabeth Gibson, January 15, 1600–01, and occupied Holton Hall, September 30, 1602. Muskett, 102; infra, pp. 72, 77.


Anne Browne married Adam Winthrop, of Groton, named executor under this will. Supra, p. 5.


John Winthrop, later governor of Massachusetts-Bay.


Anne Winthrop, who married in 1605 Thomas Fones of London. Supra, p. 7; infra, p. 88.


Jane Winthrop, who married in 1612–13 Thomas Gostlin of Groton. Supra, p. 5; infra, p. 175.


Elizabeth Browne married John Raven. Muskett, 82. Sons John, Edmund, and Edward are mentioned in Adam Winthrop’s diary. Infra, p. 119.


Thomas Browne, who married Elizabeth ――. Muskett, 82.

Alienation of Groton Manor, 15941
Elizabeth I Winthrop, John (1547-1613)


De licentia alienandi pro Johanne Wynthroppe2

Regina Omnibus ad quos etc. Salutem Sciatis quod nos de gracia nostra speciali ac pro sex libris tresdecim solidis et quatuor denariis solutis Firmariis nostris virtute litterarum nostrarum patentium concessimus et licentiam dedimus ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est per presentes concedimus et licenciam damus Dilecto nobis Johanni Wynthroppe quod ipse Manerium de Groton cum pertinentibus ac quinque mesuagia tria cotagia octo Gardina octo pomaria ducentas acras terre viginti acras prati centum acras pasture septuaginta acras bosci et communiam pasture pro omnibus averiis cum pertinentibus in Groton, Edwardstone et Boxford in Comitatu nostro Suffolcie Que de nobis tenentur in capite ut dicitur dare possit et concedere alienare aut cognoscere per finem in Curia nostra coram Justiciariis nostris de Banco aut aliquo alio modo quocumque ad libitum ipsius Johannis Dilecto nobis Adamo Selye Habenda et tenenda eidem Adamo ac heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta Et eidem Adamo quod ipse predicta manerium mesuagia terras tenementa ac cetera omnia et singula premissa superius expressa et specificata cum pertinentibus a prefato Johanne recipere possit et tenere sibi ac heredibus et assignatis suis de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per servicia predicta sicut predictum est imperpetuum tenore presencium similiter licenciam dedimus ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris 39predictis damus specialem Concessimus eciam ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per presentes concedimus prefato Adamo quod ipse predicta manerium mesuagia terras tenementa et cetera premissa cum pertinentibus per finem predictum in Curia predicta concedere possit prefato Johanni et illa ei reddere in eadem Curia Habenda et tenenda eidem Johanni ac heredibus et assignatis suis de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta Et eidem Johanni quod ipse predictum manerium mesuagia terras tenementa ac cetera omnia et singula premissa superius expressa et specificata a prefato Adamo ex dicta reddicione ejusdem Adami similiter capere et recipere possit et tenere sibi ac heredibus et assignatis suis de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris per servicia predicta sicut predictum est imperpetuum tenore presencium similiter licentiam dedimus ac pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris predictis damus specialem Nolentes quod predictus Johannes vel heredes sui aut prefatus Adamus vel heredes sui ratione premissorum per nos heredes vel successores nostros aut per Justiciarios Escaetores Vicecomites Ballivos aut alios officiarios seu ministros nostros aut dictorum heredum vel successorum nostrorum quoscumque inde occasionentur molestentur impetantur vexentur in aliquo seu graventur nec eorum aliquis occasionetur molestetur impetatur vexetur in aliquo seu gravetur In cujus etc. Teste Regina apud Westmonasterium secundo die Septembris.


Patent Roll, 36 Elizabeth, part 13, membrane 31; Muskett, 17.


“The second Adam Winthrop had entailed the Manor, in 1557, upon his second son, John. The latter, being concerned in a plantation in the South of Ireland, was now about to relinquish his life-interest to his younger brother, the third Adam Winthrop.” Muskett, 17.