Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
Very lately recievd. yours acquainting me that Bacons Abridgt. Still lay on hand that you purchasd. for me. Soon after my Return from Boston I recievd. your letter Informing that you had purchasd. those books but at a very dear rate that there was a Gentn. Insisted much on having them & Stood ready to take them but as you had bot them on my request Chose to give me the offer but that it would be no dissapointment if I had them not. Imedeately I wrote you that I had Supplyd my Self before I left Boston desird you would not keep them for me was obligd. to you for your Care which letter understood by the barer he deliverd you & ever have Suposd the Gentn. whom you wrote wonted them had them. Am very Sorry you have been out of the Cash So long as you purposd obliging me in the affair & therfor tho Supplyd yet if you Cannot part with them as you wrote me let me know or send the books & the Cash Shall be Imedeately Sent you with proper Acknowledgments for your Intention to oblidge me. Hope to see you here Soon as land is falling & application has been made for the purchase of Some lotts fm. yr. Very Hle. Servt.
RTP moved his home and office to Taunton in June 1761.