Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
I received your favor of the 3d. March last. I have Deferd so long writing you because I could'nt before furnish myself with proper intelligence in respect to Your Affairs. I told you in my last that the Creditors of Benj: Leigh entered into a Composition with him. I thought it most Expedient for your interest to put in for a share while I had an Oppertunity. Upon an Examination of his Accots. containing an Estimation of all his Effects together with debts due to him we find he will be able to pay nearly Seven or Eight shillings in the £— since which I have received with the other Creditors a proportion of about one fifth of your Debt being £5 odd shillings which I am ready to remit or dispose of in any way you please. When the debts of Leigh are all Collected I expect another small dividend which you shall have due notice of. The Creditors have Granted him two years to pay the remainder of his Debts & have allowed him £180 out of some Debts due at Lunenburg upon which he is now carrying on Business at that place & if he does'nt overreach himself once more with Scheming 'tis expected he will be able to acquit himself of all Demands against him at the expiration of his Licence.
By what I Can understand from Mr. Nesbit no Bail was taken in Belchers Case. How it Came about I Cant find. Mr. Salter tells me he has been Offerd 60£ for the house Mrs. Pool lives in. If you think proper to dispose of it I woud willingly undertake it upon being properly empowered. Upon a Conversation with Decon Ferguson he Acquaints me he has nothing in his hands belonging to the Estate but that as soon as he can gather in what is due you shall have it.
This my dear Pain is the true Scituation of Your affairs in Halifax. I wish for your sake my Endeavor had been attended with more Success. I shall be Glad to hear from you Soon in respect to the above particulars. You have my warmest Wishes for your health & prosperity. I would write more particularly in regard to myself coud I well excuse myself from writing several friends by this Oppertunity. I am, Dear Treat with Great Truth, Your sincere friend & Servt.