Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
It was unlucky I should be out of Town all the time you were here, the more so on accot. of giving you Satisfaction relating to the rect. you have. On Rect. of the Letter you left for me I spent half a day examining the Event of that Acct. Order Drawn on my father by Jno. Maylem favr. Phin. Jones, & upon the whole find it never was paid to my father for Maylem's Estate Now Owes my Fathers Estate £156. At the time that Rect. was given, Maylem was dead as appears by the face of it, & as it turn'd out he was insolvent, my father was put to vast difficulty in settling a long acct. with His Widow who Administered, & after he had Settled never got any thing for his ballance but a few things he hapned to have in his hands. Had he ever recd. that note of Maylem no doubt it should be allow'd to Mr. Jones, but he did not accept to pay it nor was it reasonable he should as Maylem then owed him, but only to be accountable for what he could make of it & as it hapned that was Nothing. This is the true acct. of the Matter as near as I can collect it. You are sensible it is no Interest of mine to misrepresent it. At present therefore I see no reason it Should be deductd. I send the acct. of the whole & as I am just moving into the Country pray you to settle it by the first Oppertunity, send the money to yr. Brother or any freind & I'll deliver the Note to them. (Here follow the Calculations of the Note vid. his Letter). I have reckond the Intr. to Octr. 14. 1760 by which time I imagine it may be Settled. Mean time I rest yr. hble. sert.,