Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
After congratulating you on I recd. yrs. & am sorry to find you so disturbed in yr. situation. I wish it was more in my power to help you than it is, however you'll not find me backward in what I am able to do if you treat me generously I don't think you'll be able to lay any wilful oppression to my charge. I am extreemly sorry to hear that yr. difficulty 154are like to be encreased by the addition of another Infant. All these things I have considered in yr. favour & if I know what Compassion is, I feell it work in my bosom & have wrote Mr. Salter lately on the Subject & therefore as I take him to be yr. good freind as he is of every body that needs his assistance so you'll excuse my enlarging on this Subject with you. In genral take this for yr. Comfort I don't purpose to Sell the house over yr. head with