A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


To Malachy Salter

23 October 1759

To Elizabeth Poole

24 October 1759
To Henry Ferguson
RTP Ferguson, Henry
Boston Octr. 23. 1759 Sr.,

I have never had the pleasure of hearing directly from you since you left Boston, but hope these will find you well. I am sadly at a loss what will be done relating to Mr. Freemans Widow & Son, it seems she is now forc'd to call her self Pool. I hope Sr. you have met tolerable success in the affairs left in yr. hands & should be heartily obliged to you if you would write me on the Subject as also what If you have thought of any thing to be done for little Jemmy. I condole with you in the Death of Mr. Stephen Minot1 who died at Falmouth not long since. I must renew my request to you to settle wt. affairs you have in yr. hands relating to Mr. Freemans Estate as soon as you can & let me hear for I am tired of the affair. Yrs.,


LbC ; addressed: "To Mr. Henry Ferguson."


Stephen Minot (1732–1759), a 1751 graduate of Harvard and a Hopkins Fellow there, died while on a preaching trip in Maine on Sept. 3, 1759 (Sibley's Harvard Graduates, 13:113–116).