A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


To Eunice Paine

10 August 1758

To Eliphalet Dyer

28 August 1758
From Elizabeth Freeman
Freeman, Elizabeth RTP
Halifax augst. 24: 1758 Sr.,

I Reced. yours of the 10th July, and now Embrace the oppertunity of Mr. Ferguson's Conveance to answer it. Sr. I am Grealy obligd. too you for your Condoleing with me, and hope my affictions will be Sanctified to me. Sr: The Reason of my Insisting of your Comeing to Halifax was my Husbands Ernest Desier when on his Death-bed, and you maybe assured I Shall use my uttermost Endeavour to do Justice to your affairs here (that is in my Power). I hope their will be no great Diffuculty in Settelling the affairs about the House but Mr. Ferguson Can acquant you of my Husbands affairs Better than than I Can; which I am Senesible he will in justice both too you and me. I have sent by Mr. Ferguson what belonged to your Father which I hope will Come safe to Hand. Mr. Ferguson has been a Very Good Friend to me in assisting me in Settleing Mr. Freemans affairs which I will do as soon as Possible so wishing you good Health as107my Familye (Except James) Injoy's at Present, I Conclude and Remain Your Humbe. Servt.


PS Sr. pleas to Forward the Inclosed and you'l oblidge as above your's

RC ; addressed: "To Mr: Robart Treat Paine In Boston per favour of Mr. Ferguson"; endorsed.