Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 1
Sir, Yours I Rec'd and am sorry to Inform you I look upon my self so weak as to be incapable to perform the Journey Proposed however when you goe if I am capable shall with Pleasure bear you Company, Uncle Chauncey and Mr. Bonner1 is soon intended a Journey that way it would not be improper to goe at that time. I have endeavour'd to procure you164a horse and had gott one wou'd suited you, but unfortunately lost him again since which have not been able to procure Any Other.
I have since I left Bath taken a Very sharp relapse that my spirits are now at a very low ebb. Tired Nature Faints beneath the Pond'rous weight. I hope you'll Call when you goe to Shephards and if Can either goe my self or mend your steed shall be proud to have it in my power. I am your Hle. Servt.,
Not identified.