Index: Consolidated Antwerp, Belgium 8 mentioned PJA09 388 PJA10 82 409 438 DJA02 444 456 DJA03 9 222 6 controversy over opening port of PJA09 282-283 286 317 318 320 347 3 Jenings seeks JA at PJA10 65 66 67-68 2 royal exchange of DJA02 432 DJA04 236 1 Dana and Thaxter meet at PJA10 260 1 Grand Laboureur Inn DJA03 30-31 1 JA visits PJA10 74 1 paintings in DJA03 305 AFC02 291 AFC04 117 AFC05 400 452 DQA01 39 177-178 PJA06 192 PJA11 53 93 110 174 364 PJA12 254 341 352 PJA13 445