Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 19 Tradespeople and artisans 14 printers PJA19 xi xvi xvii 41 50 53 54 55 67 75 94 379 439 503 9 booksellers PJA19 70 72 93 181 255 256 342 357 363 9 engravers PJA19 xiii xvi xvii 40–41 50 53 54 55 56 4 brewers and distillers PJA19 425 432 468 476 1 apothecaries PJA19 281 1 ironmaster PJA19 31 1 London guilds of PJA19 68 1 watchmakers PJA19 378–79 1 mentioned PJA19 388 1 medalists PJA19 xiii