2021-2022 Research Fellows Announced

Each year the MHS grants a number of research fellowships to scholars from around the country. The fellowship program brings a wide variety of researchers working on a full range of topics.

We offer our congratulations to all of the fellowship recipients.

MHS-NEH Long-Term Research Fellowships

Jamie Bolker, Post-Doc, Newberry Library, “Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early America”

Patrick Bottiger, Associate Professor, Kenyon College, “Corn, Beans, and Squash: The Three Sisters Agricultural Revolution and the Remaking of North America, 300 CE to 1850”

Dan Du, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, “The World in a Teacup: Chinese-American Tea Trade in the Nineteenth Century”

Suzanne & Caleb Loring Fellowship on the Civil War, Its Origins, and Consequences

Anne Cross, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Delaware, “‘Features of Cruelty Which Could Not Well Be Described by the Pen’: The Media of Atrocity in Harper's Weekly, 1862-1866”

MHS Short-Term Research Fellowships

African American Studies Fellowship

Jesse Olsavsky, Assistant Professor, Duke Kunshan University, “Fire and Sword Will Affect More Good: Runaways, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835-1861”

Andrew Oliver Research Fellowship

Jacqueline Marie Musacchio, Professor, Wellesley College, “At Home Abroad: Anne Whitney and American Women Artists in Nineteenth-Century Italy”

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship

Kathryn Angelica, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Connecticut, “‘The Glorious Cause of Liberty’: Women’s Anti-Slavery and Abolitionist Activism in New England”

Heesoo Cho, Ph.D. Candidate, Washington University at St. Louis, “The Making of the Pacific Ocean in the Early Republic, 1780-1820”

Ethan Goodnight, Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University, “Tongues of Fire: Religious Enthusiasm, Racial Formation, and Anti-Blackness in the Atlantic World”

Samuel Jennings, Ph.D. Candidate, Oklahoma State University, “‘The Most Perfect Foundation of Her Faith’: The Virgin Mary in Mid-Eighteenth Century North America”

Joshua Kleuver, Ph.D. Candidate, Binghamton University, “Hiding in Plain Sight: Socialist Legislators at the State Level, 1899-1944”

Helena Yoo Roth, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Center, CUNY, “American Timelines: Imperial Communications, Colonial Time-Consciousness, and the Coming of the American Revolution”

Emily Yankowitz, Ph.D. Candidate, Yale University, “Documenting Citizenship: How Early Americans Understood the Concept of Citizenship, 1776-1840”

Chelsea Spencer, Ph.D. Candidate, MIT, “The Contract, the Contractor, and the Capitalization of American Building, ca. 1865-1930”

Duangkamol Tantirungkij, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Center, CUNY, “An Act of Congress: Freedom Suits and the Emancipatory Consequences of the Northwest Ordinance (1790-1850)”

Benjamin F. Stevens Fellowship

Joanne Jahnke Wegner, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, “Stolen Lives: Captivity and Gender in the Northeast, 1630-1763”

Conrad & Elizabeth H. Wright Fellowship

Christopher Gillett, Assistant Professor, University of Scranton, “Catholicism and Revolution in the British World, 1630-1673”

Kenneth and Carol Hills Fellowship in Colonial History

Randal Grant Kleiser, Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia University, “Exchanging Empires: Free Ports, Reform, and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1750-1784”

Anne Powell, Ph.D. Candidate, College of William & Mary, “The Antinomian Controversy: Theological Disorder Amidst Colonial Crisis in New England”

Louis Leonard Tucker Alumni Fellowship

Alexandra Macdonald, Ph.D. Candidate, College of William & Mary, “The Social Life of Time in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1660-1830”

Heather Walser, Ph.D. Candidate, Penn State, “Amnesty’s Origins: Federal Power, Peace, and the Public Good in the Long Civil War Era”

Malcolm and Mildred Freiberg Fellowship

Jimmy Bryan, Professor, Lamar University, “The Empire of Grim: Gothic Subversions of US Expansion”

Mary B. Wright Environmental History Fellowship

Cameron Boutin, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Kentucky, “War and the Elements: Civil War Soldiers’ Experiences with the Weather”

Marc Friedlaender Fellowship

Daniel Gullotta, Ph.D. Candidate, Stanford University, “‘The Lord Preserve Us from Socinian Presidencies’: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and the Transformation of American Religious Electoral Politics”

Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Fellowship

Sarah Beth Gable, Ph.D. Candidate, Brandeis University, “Policing the Revolution: Massachusetts Communities and the Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, 1773-1783”

Military Historical Society of Massachusetts Fellowship

James Broomall, Associate Professor, Shepherd University, “Battle Pieces: The Imagery and Artifacts of the Civil War”

Ruth R. & Alyson R. Miller Fellowships

Megan Armknecht, Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton University, “Diplomatic Households and the Foundations of U.S. Diplomacy, 1789-1870”

Sarah Pearlman Shapiro, Ph.D. Candidate, Brown University, “Women’s Communities of Care in Revolutionary New England”

Short-term Fellowship

Francis Russo, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pennsylvania, “Utopian Dreams at the End of Early America: 1663-1860”

Russell Weber, Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, Berkeley, “American Feeling: Political Passions and Emotional Identity in the Early Republic, 1754-1797”

W.B.H. Dowse Fellowship

Jennifer Factor, Ph.D. Candidate, Brandeis University, “Poetry Performance in Colonial New England”

Donovan Fifield, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Virginia, “Credit and Imperial Crises in the American Northeast, 1698-1775”

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