About the Team

cloutier-pic-3.jpgCassie Cloutier is the Assistant Director of Research at the MHS. In addition to producing and co-hosting The Object of History, she manages the seminar series and fellowship programs at the MHS and serves on the MHR editorial board. She earned a BA in History from Keene State College and an MA in World History from Northeastern University with a focus on twentieth century diplomatic history and digital humanities.



sam hurwitzSam Hurwitz is a fifth year PhD candidate in the History Department at Boston College who specializes in the LGBTQ+ communities of Boston in the mid-twentieth century and who has an interest in Digital Humanities scholarship.





kanisorn songsrichanalaiKanisorn Wongsrichanalai is a Civil War Historian and the author of Northern Character: College-Educated New Englanders, Honor, Nationalism, and Leadership in the Civil War Era. As the Director of Research at the MHS he oversees the Society's seminar series, fellowship programs, and serves on the MHR editorial board.



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