Our staff are ready to support you through every aspect of the NHD journey, whether you are a seasoned NHD teacher or participating in the program for the first time.
Looking for curricular resources on how to structure NHD in your classroom? We invite you to explore our Teacher Guide, with our favorite classroom resources from Massachusetts and partner affiliates for every step of the NHD project, and to check out the videos and resources linked on this page.
Looking for tailored resources, one-on-one coaching or in-classroom assistance as a new or returning teacher? Contact our Teaching and Learning Specialist Paula Sampson at psampson@masshist.org to explore the options available to you.
Looking for student programming options? Contact our team at nhd@masshist.org to explore options for in-person or Zoom presentations with your students to strengthen skills, or for help connecting with local organizations eager to support their research.
Project-Based Learning in the Social Studies Classroom: An Introduction to NHD in Massachusetts
Fee: $120
Credits: 67.5 PDPs, ALCs for BPS teachers, or 3 graduate credits (for an additional $375 fee)
Who: Grade 6-12 Educators
Where and When:
Explore the potential of Project-Based Learning (PBL) with a focus on National History Day (NHD) in Massachusetts. NHD asks students to become historians– to conduct primary and secondary source research on a historical topic and present their work as a documentary film, website, performance, paper, or exhibit. Course participants will learn firsthand the transformative impact of NHD on student engagement, confidence, and autonomy while crafting a tailored instructional plan to bring the power of History Day to your students.
Interested in learning more about NHD? Looking for resources, support, or just have a question? Want a virtual class visit to introduce students to the NHD project, research tips, or theme? Email your NHD Massachusetts Program Coordinator Alexandra Moleski at nhd@masshist.org!