Banner for National History Day <i>in Massachusetts</i>

National History Day in Massachusetts

Advocate for NHD

Advocating for NHD: Every Voice Counts

In order to build capacity and increase access to National History Day in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Historical Society, as the sponsoring organization for NHD, solicits external funding from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, state agencies, private foundations, and individual donors. External funding for NHD makes it possible to:

  • Reduce or eliminate registration fees for students
  • Offer in-depth professional development workshops and rich online resources for teachers and students
  • Make inroads in our ultimate goal of making NHD accessible to all grades 6-12 students across the Commonwealth

To demonstrate to legislators that NHD is a vital program for Massachusetts, we need your advocacy! 

We are asking state senators to support Amendment #719 in the FY25 budget, which would provide $100K in funding for NHD. This amendment has been filed by Senator Paul Feeney.

Please contact your state state senator using the scripts provided below and request their support.


Email Template

Please email your MA state senator and share with them why NHD is important. If you’re not sure who your state legislator is or how to contact them, please visit MA’s Find My Legislator page. Enter your address, and then click on your legislator's name for their contact info. Please CC on your email so we can track advocacy.

Email Template

Subject: Please Support Amendment #719 for National History Day in Massachusetts in FY25 Budget

Dear Sen. _________,

My name is ______, and I’m an [educator / parent / student / other title] and a constituent. I’m writing to ask you to support Amendment #719, a $100K earmark (sponsored by Senator Paul Feeney) in the FY25 budget for National History Day in Massachusetts (NHD), run by the Massachusetts Historical Society. A yearlong interdisciplinary program focused on historical research, interpretation, and creative expression for students in Grades 6-12, NHD is one of the most effective ways to prepare our students for college, career, and active citizenship, honing important 21st-century skills like critical thinking and media literacy. 

I believe that funding for National History Day is critical because it will provide students and teachers with the robust resources necessary for inquiry-based, student-centered learning, which is at the heart of the NHD program. State funding will help to increase access to this vital program for students and teachers across the Commonwealth.

[If possible, please share your own experience with National History Day and/or why you feel it is a valuable program.]

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Name (can also include title, institution)

Phone Call Template

Please call your MA state senator. If you’re not sure who your legislator is or how to contact them, please visit MA’s Find My Legislator page. Enter your address, and then click on your legislator's name for their contact info.

Phone Call Template

Hello, my name is ______, and I’m an [educator / parent / student / other title] and a constituent. I’m calling to ask the Senator to support Amendment #719, a $100K earmark (sponsored by Senator Paul Feeney) in the FY25 budget for National History Day in Massachusetts (NHD), run by the Massachusetts Historical Society. A yearlong interdisciplinary program focused on historical research, interpretation, and creative expression for students in Grades 6-12, NHD is one of the most effective ways to prepare our students for college, career, and active citizenship, honing important 21st-century skills like critical thinking and media literacy. 

I believe that funding for National History Day is critical because it will provide students and teachers with the robust resources necessary for inquiry-based, student-centered learning, which is at the heart of the NHD program. State funding will help to increase access to this vital program for students and teachers across the Commonwealth.

[If possible, please share your own experience with National History Day and/or why you feel it is a valuable program.]

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Note: Please leave a voicemail if no one answers, as the legislator's staff will listen to your message.

Social Media Template

Please post about NHD and tag your state senator. If you’re not sure who your legislator is or how to contact them, please visit MA’s Find My Legislator page.

Social Media Template

Option 1:

@MAHistoryDay is important to me because [fill in your own story] Please support Amendment #719 filed by @PaulFeeneyMA in the FY25 budget and give other students the same tools for success @[enter your MA state senator] #NHDMA

Option 2:

@MAHistoryDay taught me [fill in your own story] Please support Amendment #719 filed by @PaulFeeneyMA in the FY25 budget and give other students the same tools for success  @[enter your MA state senator] #NHDMA


Contact us at with any questions. Thank you for advocating on behalf of National History Day in Massachusetts!