Revolutionary Abigail Adams

Revolutionary Abigail Adams

Inquiry Question: Who was Abigail Adams, and what roles did she take on during the Revolutionary Era?

Through her letters and belongings we will explore the ways in which Abigail shaped—and was shaped by—the political and social events unfolding around her. 

Source Set

Portraits of enslavement and freedom

Portraits of Enslavement and Freedom

Inquiry Question: What can portraits tell us about the past?

Portraits are primary sources that tell us about the people who appeared in and painted them. In this set, you will look closely at three portraits to see what they show us about the lives of Black people in colonial and revolutionary Massachusetts. What can we learn about individuals? What information remains hidden?

Source Set
Additional Resources

Witnessing the Siege of Boston

Witnessing the Siege of Boston

In this primary source set, students will engage with a variety of letters, maps, artifacts, and more to explore diverse Bostonian experiences at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.

Inquiry Question 1: How did ordinary Bostonians experience the Siege of Boston? What were their fears and concerns?

Source Set

Women Debate the Right to Vote

Women Debate the Right to Vote

Inquiry Question 1: What claims did women make in support of and in opposition to suffrage?

Inquiry Question 2: Who were they trying to persuade?

In this source set, you will analyze cartoons, flyers, and graphs to understand the perspectives of suffragists and anti-suffragists in Massachusetts (and beyond) during the 1910s.

Source Set