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Women Debate the Right to Vote

Inquiry Question 1: What claims did women make in support of and in opposition to suffrage?

Inquiry Question 2: Who were they trying to persuade?

In this source set, you will analyze cartoons, flyers, and graphs to understand the perspectives of suffragists and anti-suffragists in Massachusetts (and beyond) during the 1910s.

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Broadside: a sheet of paper with information printed on one or both sides that is meant to be shared publicly

Suffrage: the right to vote in political elections

Suffragist: A person who supported expanded voting rights, especially to women

Analyzing Perspectives:

The images and documents in this set were created in the 1910s. They aim to persuade their readers to take a position -- either for or against women's suffrage. 

As you read, consider:

  • Does this author/organization support or oppose suffrage?
  • What was happening in the U.S. at the time? The caption may help!

Who is included? Who is excluded?

  • Whose perspectives are represented in this source? Whose are left out or silenced?

Who is the audience? 

What persuasive techniques can you find in this image? 

  • Can you find examples of exaggeration or symbolism?
  • How does the creator uses these techniques to make their point? 

What is the message?

The Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffragethe right to vote in political elections to Women distributed this poster in support of their message that women belonged at home. In this picture, a man with his lunch pail arrives home from work. His children are upset because their mother left them alone.

On the "Votes for Women" sign the mother has left a note that she will be "back some time this evening." “Votes for Women” was the main slogan of the suffragethe right to vote in political elections movement.

Citation: Home! Engraving, Boston: Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women, [1915], Massachusetts Historical Society,  https://www.masshist.org/database/4156.

In this broadsidea sheet of paper with information printed on one or both sides that is meant to be shared publicly, published in New York by the National American Woman Suffragethe right to vote in political elections Association, suffragistsA person who supported expanded voting rights, especially to women argue that “votes for women” will strengthen families and homes. They argued that as “homemakers,” women should be involved in the government’s policies relating to work and working conditions.

Citation: What Breaks Up the Home? Broadside by Mary Ellen Sigsbee, New York: National American Woman Suffrage Association, Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/4177.

This circularan advertisement passed out to a lot of people is addressed to working men and claims that giving women the vote would ultimately lead to competition for jobs between men with families and, particularly, young single women.

Citation: To The Working Man, Circular by the Women's Anti-Suffrage Association of Massachusetts, From Miscellaneous collection of anti-suffrage material assembled by an officer of the Massachusetts Association Opposed to Further Extension of Suffrage to Women, 1895-1921, Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/4208.

This broadsidea sheet of paper with information printed on one or both sides that is meant to be shared publicly by the National American Woman's Suffragethe right to vote in political elections Association argues that women need to be involved in politics (by voting) to advocate for a safe and healthy family life.

Local, state, and federal governments regulate standards for businesses, homes, food and drink, and more. During the Progressive Era, reformers worked for changes such as better working conditions in factories and stronger regulations for pasteurized milk.

Citation: Madam, Who Keeps Your House, Broadside by National American Woman Suffrage Association, New York: National American Woman Suffrage Organization, Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/4214.

This broadsidea sheet of paper with information printed on one or both sides that is meant to be shared publicly was published in the 1910s and shows a Black woman standing ready to use the U.S. Constitution to smash birds of prey. The birds of prey are labeled with racist laws passed by southern states following the Civil War, whose purpose was to  control Black people.

This political cartoon argues that with the right to vote, Black women could help bring an end to these laws. Formed in 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) immediately began campaigning against segregation, Jim Crow lawsBeginning in the 1870s, cities and towns in the South–and elsewhere in the United States– passed racist ‘Jim Crow’ laws that made segregation legal. Agencies in the federal government were also segregated., and lynchingthe public killing of a person who has not received any due process or trial. In May 1916, this political cartoon was published in The Crisis, the NAACP’s magazine, with the title: “Woman to the Rescue!

Citation: The South's Battalion of Death, Broadside, n.d., Miscellaneous collection of anti-suffrage material assembled by an officer of the Massachusetts Association Opposed to Further Extension of Suffrage to Women, Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/4152.

The National Association Opposed to Woman Suffragethe right to vote in political elections published this poster around 1913. Each state is represented by a man, and the states are arranged in order from highest to lowest population. The poster shows that states with high populations have (mostly) rejected giving women the vote. 

The men in yellow represent states where women had the right to vote. Anti-suffragethe right to vote in political elections activists argued that men voted in the interests of their female family members, and so voting women would "double" the votes of their husbands and fathers.

Citation: Population Votes, Not Area, Broadside, [circa 1913] New York, N. Y. : National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/4143.

This black-and-white photograph was taken at a suffragethe right to vote in political elections parade in Boston in 1914. Crowds of onlookers watch as the women, wearing sashes, march down the street.

Citation: Suffrage parade, May 1914, From Palmer family photograph album, 1911-1917, Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/4232.



On 16 October 1915, supporters of suffragethe right to vote in political elections in Boston staged a "Victory Parade" just weeks before a vote on an amendment that would have removed the word "male" from the articles concerning voting in the Massachusetts Constitution, thus giving women the right to vote. This broadsheeta sheet of paper with information printed on one or both sides that is meant to be shared publicly contains instructions for marchers participating in the parade and, on the reverse, songs to be sung during the parade and at the rally held immediately afterward.

Citation: Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Victory Parade: Instructions for Marchers, Broadsheet [Boston, 1915], Massachusetts Historical Society, https://www.masshist.org/database/1892.

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